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Emerge International Church

01/14 The God of Eternal Increase: Expecting Greater Blessings


1. How does the host use the story of Abraham and Isaac to illustrate the concept of God being the “God of more and more”?

2. What are some examples provided in the transcript of God’s provision and blessings in the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and the believers today?

3. The host emphasizes the idea of “more and more” in 2024. How does this message resonate with you in your own personal faith or spirituality?

4. What do you think about the concept of God being “more than enough” and “more than sufficient” in every situation and circumstance? Do you find this idea reassuring or challenging?

5. The host mentions the phrase “I am the God of increase.” How do you interpret this declaration in relation to the promises of abundance and prosperity?

6. How does the scriptural reference to Psalm 115 encourage believers to trust in the Lord for increase and blessings, for both themselves and their children?

7. The host speaks about the believers being “empowered to be more and more.” What does this empowerment mean to you in your daily life and spiritual journey?

8. What are your thoughts on the idea that, as children of God, we are favored and blessed just like Isaac, and are heirs according to the promises made to Abraham?

9. The host mentions that God wants us to be fruitful and increase, reflecting that we are made in His image. How does this view of human potential resonate with your own beliefs?

10. The scriptural references in the message emphasize the consistent and abundant nature of God’s provisions. How does this portray God’s character and how we can approach daily living with this understanding?

David  [00:00:00]:

A couple of weeks ago, I was sharing that the Lord had spoken to me and said, 2024 will be a year of seeing greater things than these. At the end of our message and end of the service, Pastor Conia came and was sharing some closing thoughts. She said, as she listened, what came to her was this. God is always more. He always has something beyond to show us to do, for us to do through us. As she shared her thoughts, my spirit was moved and stirred.


David  [00:00:53]:

And the Lord said to me, what she is saying is what seeing greater things than these is all about more and more. I immediately began to pray and study and seek God about him being more and more. Then a few days later, I received in the mail a newsletter from Pastor George Pearson, who is the pastor of Eagle Mountain International Church. And the theme of the newsletter was the God of more. Imagine that he shared a word that the Lord had given Brother Kenneth Copeland. And it said, this 2024 will be a year of more and more and more. More finances, more healings, more miracles, more outpourings, more people coming to Jesus, more things happening. I am the God of increase.


David  [00:01:58]:

That word from the Lord was right in line with the message that God was giving me for New Year’s Eve. And about what I’m going to be speaking about today. Today we’re going to drill down into the God of more and what that means for us this year. So let’s start in the book of Genesis with the story of Abraham. Genesis 17, one and two. And this is from the Niv version. When Abraham was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to him and said, I am God almighty. Walk before me and be blameless.


David  [00:02:40]:

I will confirm my covenant between me and you and will greatly increase your numbers. When you read that verse, the hebrew word there for God almighty means el shaddai. El Shaddai means the God who was more than enough. The God who was more than sufficient. What the Lord was saying to Abraham there was, I am God almighty. I am the God who is more than enough. I am the God who is more than sufficient. What that really means is he has the power to complete his promises of blessings and prosperity.


David  [00:03:36]:

God is not just enough. He is more than enough. Always, in every situation and circumstance, he is not just sufficient. He is more than sufficient. He not only has power, he is omnipotent. He possesses all power, all potential. He has. He possesses the power to complete promises of blessing and prosperity.


David  [00:04:10]:

He promised Abraham that he would bless his generations to come if Abraham would obey his word and honor the covenant they had between them. We see the result of this a few chapters later in Genesis and Abraham’s son Isaac’s life. Genesis 26 one through six and I’m reading from the amplified here, and there was a famine in the land other than the former famine that was in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went to jar to Abimelek, king of the Philistines. And the Lord appeared to him and said, do not go down to Egypt. Live in the land of which I will tell you, dwell temporarily in this land, and I will be with you and will favor you with blessings. For to you and to your descendants, I will give all these lands, and I will perform the oath which I swore to Abraham your father. And I will make your descendants to multiply as the stars of the heavens and will give to your posterity all these lands, these kingdoms, and by your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.


David  [00:05:36]:

For Abraham listened to and obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commands, my statutes and my laws. So Isaac stayed in Gerar. Now let’s look at this. I want to review this just for a second. So here we are. Isaac is in a land where there’s a great famine. The Lord said to Isaac, live where I tell you. The Lord said to Isaac, I will be with you and will favor you with blessings.


David  [00:06:16]:

The Lord said, I will multiply you and your descendants. The Lord said, all the nations of the earth will be blessed through you. Why? For Abraham listened to and obeyed my voice. He kept my charge, my commands, my statues, my laws. He honored the covenant we have. And so, as I promised him, the blessing extends to his generations to come. So Abraham got a word from the Lord and God was true to it. Isaac got a word from the Lord and we’re going to see here what followed.


David  [00:06:59]:

How did God respond to Isaac? Genesis 20 612 through 14. And again, this is from the amplified. Then Isaac sowed seed in that land and received in the same year a hundred times as much as he had planted. And the Lord favored him with blessings. And the man became great and gained more and more until he became very wealthy and distinguished. He owned flocks, herds and a great supply of servants, and the Philistines envied him there. In verse 13 of that passage in the king James, it translates it this way. It says, and the man waxed great and went forward and grew until he became very great.


David  [00:07:59]:

In the Hebrew that phrase waxed great means to increase, to advance, be promoted, to exceed, to tower and so you could say it this way. And the man increased. He advanced, he was promoted. He exceeded and towered over all those around him. And he grew until he became very great. That phrase, very great right there, means speedily, quickly and rapidly. God did this through him speedily, quickly, and rapidly. It didn’t take decades.


David  [00:08:48]:

He did it in one or two, three years. Isaac grew to be and stand in this place of more and more blessing. Isaac is a perfect example of increasing more and more. Even in the midst of a famine, he walked in God’s abundant blessing. Now I want to say this and the rest of this. Here’s a word for us today. Abraham received God’s word. Isaac received God’s word.


David  [00:09:23]:

I challenge you today, encourage you receive God’s word. Whatever he’s speaking to you, as you hear me share this. Just like Isaac, God causes his blessings and favor to come on us. We are empowered to be more and more. This is exactly what God wants for us this year. As I said before, you will see greater things than these. You will see more and more. In psalm 115, eleven through 15, new king James version.


David  [00:09:59]:

We have this promise. You who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord. He is their help and their shield. The Lord has been mindful of us. He will bless us. He will bless the house of Israel. He will bless the house of Aaron. He will bless those who fear the Lord, both small and great.


David  [00:10:24]:

May the Lord give you increase more and more, you and your children. May you be blessed by the Lord who made heaven and earth. So here in psalm 115, the phrase more and more in the Hebrew means to continue to add over and above. To continue to add over and above. In other words, the increase that God brings just keeps multiplying. If we seek him and follow after him. It says, not only for us, but also for our children. You and your children may be blessed.


David  [00:11:09]:

That word blessed there in the Hebrew means, empowered to prosper, increase and excel. God wants to go over and above for us all the time. But he’s saying, pay attention. Be expecting, be looking for it this year, in 2024. He wants to continue to add to us more and more. Now, you might be sitting there thinking, is it really for us? How are we a part of all of this? Well, I want to make sure you know that you are a part of this. So let me share with you what Paul said in Galatians. In Galatians, 326 through 29, Paul writes this, for you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus.


David  [00:12:05]:

For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither jew nor greek, there is neither slave nor free. There is neither male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise. So did you hear that last statement? If you were Christ, if you trusted in him and he’s your savior and Lord, then you are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise. All the promise of Abraham that God gave to Abraham the covenant he made with him through Christ. We share in that covenant and those promises to us.


David  [00:13:05]:

So just like Isaac, as children of Abraham, we are favored and blessed Also. Number one. You just need to know that and recognize that and expect it. Thank God for it every day. Thank you Lord, that I am favored and blessed by you, that I walk in the blessing of Abraham. Thank you, Jesus. We have a covenant with the El Shaddai. The God who was more than enough, the all sufficient one, the God of more and more.


David  [00:13:45]:

God’s power and provision is more than enough to meet any need. He is all not part way, not most of the way, but all sufficient. He is infinite in every way. He is our source and his source never runs dry. He is our supply. And that supply line never gets cut off, never gets shut down. He is always there for us. Everything God does is over the top, more than enough.


David  [00:14:24]:

A surplus, super abundant, overflowing, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over. There is more and more and then there’s more and more, and then there’s even more and more. Above that, there is no end to God being more. More never stops. God is always more than enough. He is a more God. Now back this year, one day in my devotions, I was praying and just talking to the Lord. And I said, lord, I’m so looking forward to the day when I know you completely.


David  [00:15:11]:

I know everything there is to know about you. And I heard this, David, you’ll never know everything there is to know about me. And I went, what? He goes, you have the opportunity to know me intimately, but who am I? And I said, well, you’re God, you’re infinite. He goes, right? He goes, every day I’m becoming new. Every day I’m still growing and expanding. Every day I’m becoming more. And so every day there’s something new to learn about me. Every day there’s another level of relationship you can step into with me.


David  [00:15:59]:

And he said, guess what? You’re made in my image. And the same is true about you. Throughout eternity, you will always be becoming more there will be more to know about you, more to learn, more to express, more to give. And I went, wow, that is so cool. Thank you, Lord, for that insight. God is more and more and more. He will never stop growing. He will never stop being more, knowing more, having more.


David  [00:16:36]:

He is ever new and never ending. Psalm 60 819 says this, blessed be the Lord who daily loads us with benefits. The God of our salvation, Salah. That word salah means pause and think about this. So let’s pause and think about it. He’s the God of our salvation. Blessed be the Lord who daily loads us with benefits. That word benefits there means acts of grace.


David  [00:17:14]:

It means rewards. He daily loads us with acts of grace and rewards. In Hebrews eleven six. I think I mentioned this recently in one of the messages, but it talks about without faith, it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of those who earnestly and diligently seek him. God is a rewarder. God moves and works in our behalf. He bestows acts of grace on us. And the word grace there in that scripture means favor.


David  [00:18:04]:

Favor. He daily loads us with favor. Acts of favor. He daily loads us with rewards. Not only that, he’s a God of our salvation. And that word salvation there means he’s a God of our deliverance. He’s our deliverer. He’s the God of our welfare.


David  [00:18:29]:

He wants us to fare well. He wants things to go well for us. He’s the God of our prosperity. He wants us to walk in blessing in every area of our life, mentally, spiritually, physically, relationally, financially, personally, professionally. He wants us to walk in blessing in every area of our life. And then the last thing there in that definition, he is the God of our victory. We are victorious in Christ. We are more than conquerors in Christ.


David  [00:19:04]:

And daily we get to walk in this as children of God. He daily loads us with acts of grace and favor and rewards, for he is the God of our deliverance, our welfare, our prosperity, and our victory. Hallelujah. You should probably be jumping up and down and shouting right now. Amen. That’s God’s heart for us. Let’s look at Genesis 128 real quick. It says, then God blessed them.


David  [00:19:36]:

And God said to them, be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and every living thing that moves on the earth. Now, remember when I shared with you what the Lord said to brother Copeland in that word, the very last phrase says, I am the God of increase. Now listen to this. The word multiply there in Genesis 128 where it says, be fruitful and multiply, is the same Hebrew word translated as increase throughout the Old Testament. It means multiply, or it means increase. It could read, be fruitful and increase.


David  [00:20:31]:

God wants us to increase. He is the God of increase. We’re made in his image, so he made us to increase, to be fruitful and increase. As we mentioned in the beginning, he is the God of increase. I’m just going to keep saying that this is his will and plan for us more and more. Our God is the God of eternal increase. And like I said a moment ago, what the Lord spoke to me, we’re going to keep growing. We’re going to keep becoming more throughout eternity, forever.


David  [00:21:09]:

We will be more and more and more if we live according to his plan. Follow him, stay true to his word. He will increase us more and more eternally. Now let’s look at this as the God of more and more. He is power and provision. Philippians 419 says, this, and my God will liberally supply, liberally supply. He doesn’t hold back, filled to the full your every need according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus. But not only that, as the Lord of more and more, the God of increase, in great compassion he sustains, nourishes, and protects us.


David  [00:22:03]:

Philippians four, six through seven says this. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus as the God of increase, the God of more and more. In our weakness he gives us strength. Isaiah 40 28 through 31 have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary. His understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint. To him who has no might he increases strength.


David  [00:23:02]:

Even youth shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted. But they who wait upon the Lord or wait for the Lord, shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles, and they shall walk and run, and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. As the God of more and more, the God of increase, he works through us to accomplish his great and powerful purposes. Ephesians 320 in the amplified says now to him who by, in consequence of the action of his power that is at work within us, is able to carry out his purpose and do super abundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams. The God of all presence, the God of all power, the God of all provision, is working in us and through us. And not only that, he desires to do that every day as we yield to him and surrender to him every day. He is ready to do great things, greater things than these that we’ve seen through you, through all of us.


David  [00:24:32]:

God wants to do great things. I got to go back up here to Ephesians 320 because he says he’s going to do it. Fulfill his purpose in us and through us super abundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think. What would you dare ask or thank God for? Infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams. Everybody listen. I’ve got good news for you. No matter where you are in life, no matter who you are, what you need, where you’re going, there is always more and more of God available to you every day. It doesn’t matter how many years you’ve been a Christian or how many times you’ve read through your Bible, there is always more and more of God to discover and know.


David  [00:25:30]:

So I want to encourage you today. Let’s get up every day expecting more and more, and then some more and more of that every day. Get up expecting more finances, more healings, more miracles, more outpourings, more people coming to Jesus, more, greater things than these happening in our lives every day. God wants that for you in 2024. And I’m believing, Conia and I both are believing with all of our hearts that we’re going to see that through the ministry of Emerge International Church. But we’re going to see it in and through your lives also. If we all get up every day expecting it, I believe God will move in our behalf. Let’s bow our heads.


David  [00:26:27]:

Father, I come before you today and Lord, I ask you to give us increase more and more, you and your children. Father God, I pray that we be blessed by you, for you made heaven and earth. And you’re right here with us, walking with us to bless us, to empower us to prosper, increase and excel in all that we set our hand to. And we thank you for it. Father God, we believe and expect that we’re going to see great and we’re going to experience more and more. And we start right now praising you and thanking you for it. Father, in Jesus name, amen. Pastor Conia is coming with a closing word.


David  [00:27:25]:

Have a blessed week. Go looking for more and more.

1. How does the host use the story of Abraham and Isaac to illustrate the concept of God being the “God of more and more”?
2. What are some examples provided in the transcript of God’s provision and blessings in the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and the believers today?
3. The host emphasizes the idea of “more and more” in 2024. How does this message resonate with you in your own personal faith or spirituality?
4. What do you think about the concept of God being “more than enough” and “more than sufficient” in every situation and circumstance? Do you find this idea reassuring or challenging?
5. The host mentions the phrase “I am the God of increase.” How do you interpret this declaration in relation to the promises of abundance and prosperity?
6. How does the scriptural reference to Psalm 115 encourage believers to trust in the Lord for increase and blessings, for both themselves and their children?
7. The host speaks about the believers being “empowered to be more and more.” What does this empowerment mean to you in your daily life and spiritual journey?
8. What are your thoughts on the idea that, as children of God, we are favored and blessed just like Isaac, and are heirs according to the promises made to Abraham?
9. The host mentions that God wants us to be fruitful and increase, reflecting that we are made in His image. How does this view of human potential resonate with your own beliefs?
10. The scriptural references in the message emphasize the consistent and abundant nature of God’s provisions. How does this portray God’s character and how we can approach daily living with this understanding?

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