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Emerge International Church

02/25 Infinitely Beyond: God’s Limitless Power and Unfathomable Blessings in Your Life


  1. What stood out to you in this message about Ephesians 3:20 and the concept of being created for more?
  2. “Infinitely beyond” is a key phrase in the message. In what ways do you think this phrase encapsulates the message’s main idea?
  3. How did the host explain the boundless nature of God and His ability to work in our lives?
  4. Reflecting on the message, how do you interpret the idea of God going “infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams”?
  5. The host emphasized God’s unlimited power and his desire for believers to have an abundant life. How does this perspective resonate with you?
  6. How does the concept of God’s inexhaustible power and understanding provide hope and comfort in challenging times?
  7. The host encouraged viewers to expect “infinitely beyond” in their lives. How can this mindset impact our daily lives and interactions with others?
  8. What do you think it means to represent God’s kingdom on earth as mentioned in the message? How does it influence your understanding of your purpose?
  9. In what ways can the message’s emphasis on God’s limitless nature and boundless ability shape our prayers and expectations in life?
  10. If you were to summarize the main takeaway from this message about Ephesians 3:20, what would it be, and how could it impact your daily walk with God?

David [00:00:21]:
Well, here we are, five weeks into this study of Ephesians 320. And today we’re going to drill down into the last phrase in this verse, and this phrase just excites me so much. And I know every week I say I’m excited by this verse, and I am, but I just love where this goes. And so just let’s all agree together now. We’re going to open our hearts and see what God has for us to see today. And so the title of this message is infinitely beyond. And so what we’re seeing here is that God created us for more and then more and more, and that will never end. Throughout eternity, we will be growing and becoming more man.

David [00:01:21]:
Just stop and think about that for a moment. Sometimes it’s hard to even conceive that. That you’re going to be more and more and more and more and more. You’re going to know more. You’re going to be more wow. But you’re God’s child. You’re created in his image and his likeness for more. And so let’s look at this today.

David [00:01:48]:
We’ve talked about, I’ve said this every week, the last few weeks, what Paul shares with us in Ephesians, those first few chapters about how that God chose us, he redeemed us, he placed us, he positioned us, he’s blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places, and he’s recreated us in Christ for good works, and he’s given us his love, his fullness, all he is. And so today we’re going to look at infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes and dreams and what all that means. So let me read this verse to you one more time. Ephesians 320 from the amplified. And it says now to him who by, in consequence of the action of his power that is at work within us, is able to carry out his purpose and do superabundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams. That word infinitely there means without limits. God has no limits. He is an unlimited God.

David [00:03:21]:
It means unbound. He is free. He is unbound. To do all that he pleases and desires. Another word. There is boundless. There are no boundaries. God is beyond, beyond, beyond, beyond.

David [00:03:44]:
And another definition with me saying that is he is indefinitely large. That’s what that word infinitely means. One of the definitions is indefinitely large emits of great size or extent. Now let me read these definitions to you again. Without limits, unbound, boundless, indefinitely, large, immense, of great size or extent. Think about all that. This all is applied to God in time, in space and qualities. These defining words are describing our Lord in his fullness.

David [00:04:35]:
John or not John, but job eleven seven through nine in the amplified says this can you find out the deep things of God or can you by searching, find out the limits of the Almighty, explore his depths, ascend to his heights, extend to his breadth and comprehend his infinite perfection? His wisdom is as high as the heights of heaven. What can you do? It is deeper than shield, the place of the dead. What can you know longer in measure, in scope is it than the earth and border than the sea? God has no end. God has no end. God can do things in you and through you that have no end. They really will and they do impact generations to come. Two Corinthians 417 in the amplified says this for our light, momentary affliction, the slight distress of the passing hour is ever more and more abundantly preparing and producing and achieving for us an everlasting weight of glory beyond all measure, excessively and surpassing all comparisons and all calculations of vast and transcendent glory and blessedness never to cease. We had this hope of walking and living and being in his glory throughout all of eternity, his glory resting upon us, his glory wrapped around us, surrounding us, permeating us, we as his children.

David [00:06:44]:
That is our right to live and bask in his glory. And we get to participate in some of that right now as we step into eternity, into heaven, we’ll get the fullness of that. But what Paul is saying here, all that we’re going through right now, how we’re growing right now, is preparing us to walk and live in the fullness of our God’s glory. Isaiah 40 28 through 29, the amplified says, have you not known, have you not heard the everlasting God? Everlasting? The Lord, the creator of the ends of the earth, does not faint or grow weary. He doesn’t get tired. He doesn’t get weary. There is no searching of his understanding. He gives power to the faint and weary and to him who has no might.

David [00:07:55]:
He increases strength, causing it to multiply and making it to abound. God wants to strengthen you. He wants to make you strong and have you walk in all that he is. And he will do that as we trust him and look to him. God can do things for you that are limitless. They have no limit. Unlimited. God can do things for you that just keep producing producing, producing over and over again.

David [00:08:41]:
John 316 shows us this. This is one of the things that God did for us that just keeps on coming. It’s for God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that he even gave up his only begotten, unique son. So that whoever believes in, trusts, in, clings to, relies on him, shall not perish, shall not come to destruction, be lost, but have eternal, everlasting life. Guys, your life is eternal. Your life is everlasting. We look around at life here today and we think, wow, how could it be better? And we know it can be, but what’s it going to be like, guys, we have a life that’s going to be so far beyond what we are now, but we celebrate the life we have now because God has given us life and he’s blessed us above and beyond, super, abundantly far over and beyond. It says there in Ephesians 320, God loves us and he is with us.

David [00:10:06]:
We have eternal, everlasting life and we already possess it. It’s already ours. We don’t have to wait till we step into heaven, into eternity to get it. God’s already given it to us. Jesus confirms this in John 1010 when he says, the thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life and having an abundance to the full till it overflows. So what’s Jesus saying right here in the midst of all the world, all the challenges, all the tribulation? He says, I’ve overcome all that and I’ve come to give you life, that you can enjoy life in abundance, life to the full till it overflows. God’s desire for you is to have a full, overflowing life, an enjoyable life.

David [00:11:10]:
God wants the best for you. The gift of life is eternal. It’s everlasting, it’s infinite, and it’s limitless. We cannot begin to see or imagine the limitless, boundless ability of God working in us and through us. We can talk about it and we can see parts of it, and we can see God work through us and we can tell stories and give examples of it. I was just doing that with some friends, talking about what God had done and how he’d worked through us. But then God will do something else in us and through us and we’ll go, oh, wow, where did that come from? How did that happen, Lord? How did you do that? And I love to see the Lord. I just think I’ve heard him say this to me.

David [00:12:04]:
He hadn’t seen anything yet. Just watch this. Romans 1133. New King James Version says this. O the depth, o the depth of the riches, both of wisdom and knowledge of God. How unsearchable are his judgments and his ways past finding out. We will be forever learning of him, discovering him, knowing him as deep as we can learn and know and grow here in this life. We’re just scratching the surface.

David [00:12:46]:
Throughout eternity, we will be knowing him more and more and more and more and more and growing in that I think it’s hard to find words to describe the immensity of God. We can try and we can use our language and our words and our conversation to try and define God and describe God’s immensity. But he is never ending. Never ending. Psalm 147 five. And I’m going to read this from three different translations because I just love the way, what it says. Each one’s just a little different, but it gives us insight into our Lord. Great is our Lord and abundant in power.

David [00:13:39]:
His understanding is beyond measure. That was from psalm 47 five in the ESV version. Now, from the amplified, psalm 147 five says, great is our Lord and of great power. His understanding is inexhaustible and boundless. Hallelujah. You can’t exhaust his great power. You can’t exhaust his understanding. You’re never going to bring something to God.

David [00:14:20]:
And he’ll go, I don’t know about that. I don’t know what to do about that. He always knows. He always has a way. He always wants to show you the way. Now, psalm 147 five, in the new King James version, says, great is our lord and mighty in power. His understanding is infinite. Infinite.

David [00:14:50]:
He is infinitely beyond all you can think or imagine. And that word beyond there means out of reach, further than any given limit, beyond our power, beyond comprehension, beyond dispute, beyond our care. Now, that’s what I mean by beyond beyond. But it doesn’t stop there. Beyond also means proceeding as to a greater degree in dignity, excellence, or quality of any kind. God always goes beyond to a greater degree. He comes in more dignity, excellence, and quality of any kind. Wow.

David [00:15:53]:
God truly is inexhaustible and boundless. Way beyond beyond. He can and will go infinitely beyond for you. But what’s he doing when he goes infinitely? Says infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams. So let’s look at each one of those and see what that means. He goes infinitely beyond our highest prayers. That is the act of asking for a favor, a petition or a request. God will go infinitely beyond any favor you ask of him, any petition you make of him, any request you come to him with.

David [00:16:49]:
He goes way beyond. He goes beyond our highest desire, which is an emotion or an excitement of the mind, directed to the attainment or possession of an object from which pleasure, intellectually or spiritually, is expected. God goes way beyond our desires. He goes infinitely beyond our highest thoughts, and thoughts are simply that which the mind thinks. But what can you think and imagine? God can go infinitely beyond that. He goes infinitely beyond our highest dreams to see with the mind’s eye and desire with the heart, to have ideas or images in the mind. To imagine. God goes way beyond.

David [00:17:53]:
He can bring your dreams true. And then even more. Let’s read this again now to him who buy, in consequence of the action of his power that is at work within us, is able to carry out its purpose and to superabundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thought, hopes, or dreams. He is always more, and he, as this verse says, is working in us by the action of his power to carry out his purpose in us and see more come through us, see us become more and do more and have more and give more. Here’s what we need to know. Luke 137 this may be a good one to put up on your bathroom mirror so you see it every day. Luke 137 for nothing is impossible with God. With my father God, nothing is impossible.

David [00:19:09]:
Nothing is impossible with my father God. He makes a way where there seems to be no way. He is our source and our supply, bringing provision. When there seems to be no provision to be had, God makes a way. One Timothy 117. And this is from the passion, translation says, because of this my praises rise to the king of all the universe, who is indestructible, invisible, and full of glory, the only God who was worthy of the highest honors throughout all of time and throughout the eternity of eternities. Amen. What are you believing for today? What do you need today? What do you desire today? What’s your hope? What’s your dream? Our father God can go infinitely beyond all of that.

David [00:20:30]:
Philippians 419 and 20. You’re familiar with this verse? And my God will liberally supply. He just doesn’t supply. He liberally supplies. He fills to the full your every need according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus. In one translation there it says, according to his infinite riches and glory, his riches are without end to our God and father be glory forever and ever through the endless eternities of eternities. Amen. So be it.

David [00:21:22]:
God has already made provision for you, plus more than that, over and over and over throughout eternity. Your inheritance in Jesus Christ is amazing. It’s infinitely beyond anything you can dare ask or think. God is with you. God is with you. God is with you. In consequence or the result of the action of his power that is at work within you, he carries out his purpose. God loves you and he wants to work in you and through you.

David [00:22:12]:
He wants to work with you, collaborate with you and for you. And he’s able to do this in a way that is super abundantly, super abundantly. Not just abundantly, but super abundantly, far over and above, far over and above all that we dare ask or think infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams. God is there for you. He’s there for all of us. And he wants to work in us and through us and see this come to pass. Our God is super, abundantly far over and above, infinitely beyond every day of our life, no matter what we’re facing, what we’re going through. He is there to redeem us, to see us through, to deliver us as we surrender ourselves to him.

David [00:23:34]:
Let’s bow our heads in prayer. Father, we thank you for this time together. And I thank you, Lord, for your word that tells us how much you love us and how you desire to go so far over and above and beyond what we can think or imagine, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes and dreams. Jesus, you care about us. You created us for more. You’re inviting us to come with you and walk in that. More, you are a God of increase and you want to see us walking and living an increase throughout our life and using all of that to touch other people around us and see them blessed and come into relationship with you, Lord. Thank you, thank you, thank you for partnering with us.

David [00:24:30]:
We pray, Lord, that you give us even more revelation and insight on this word. And we thank you, Father, for the privilege and honor we have to represent you here in the earth, to reign here in the earth as kings and priests and represent you and your kingdom here. And we pray, Father, your kingdom come, your will be done here in the earth, through us as it is in heaven. So be it. And we thank you for it in Jesus name. Pastor Conia is coming with a closing word and a prayer. And I want to say to you, go out there every day this week and for the rest of your life, expecting infinitely beyond. God bless you.

David [00:25:33]:
All right, let me stop this now.

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