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Emerge International Church

02/11 Partnering with God for Beyond-Imagination Blessings and Works


1. What is the main message of the video as communicated by David?
2. How does David emphasize the idea of being created for more and forever increasing throughout the video?
3. What do you think about David’s emphasis on God’s ability to work through individuals and bring about super abundant results beyond human comprehension?
4. Reflect on the significance of the word “do” as explained by David in the context of God’s ability to work through individuals.
5. How does David use Bible verses and stories to illustrate and support his points about God’s ability to work super abundantly through individuals?
6. In your own interpretation, how would you describe the phrase “super abundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think” after listening to David’s explanation?
7. Based on the video, how can individuals position themselves to yield to God and allow Him to work super abundantly through them?
8. What do you think about David’s personal experience in witnessing God’s work in his life and the lives of others, and the potential for similar experiences in the lives of viewers?
9. Discuss the implications of the phrase “infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams” in the context of everyday life and eternity.
10. Based on the video, how can individuals apply the message of expecting more and greater things from God in their daily lives?

David  [00:00:00]:

Welcome. We’re glad you’re here today and we’re continuing our study of Ephesians 320 and drilling down deeper into that. About three weeks ago, we started a series of looking at how God has prepared us for more and more and more. And that’s just not for now.


David  [00:00:43]:

That’s throughout eternity. You are created to increase and become more forever, forever and always. As Conia and I like to say, you were created for greater things, greater things than these, than the things you’ve seen before. You were created for more. Today, we’re continuing to drill down into all this verse means for each of us. So we’re going to see that God is more and his desires for us is to be more through us by the action of his power. As we talked about last week, we will look at the meanings of these words in this verse and drill down into how much God has for us today. Last week I said in the first three chapters of Ephesians, Paul shares with us all that God has done for us.


David  [00:01:50]:

He has chose us, he redeemed us, he placed us, he positioned us, he’s blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places. He’s recreated us in Christ Jesus for good works. He has given us his love, his fullness, all that he is. After sharing all of this, Paul brings us to Ephesians 320. And here he shares something that is mind boggling, I believe he says it’s beyond what we can think or ask, beyond what we can dare ask or think, in fact, is the way he says it. So he says, this is super, abundantly far over and above, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams. Now, let’s stop for a moment. Can you imagine that? That God wants to do in you and through you, that he can do in you and through you? Something that is super, abundantly far over and above, infinitely beyond your highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, dreams.


David  [00:03:13]:

That’s what God wants to do in you. Let’s read this verse again from the amplified. Ephesians 320 in the amplified says now to him who by, in consequence of the action of his power that is at work within us, is able to carry out his purpose and do super, abundantly far over and above all that we dare ask or think infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thought, hopes or dreams. Wow. Today we’re going to start off by looking at this here in the verse. It says he is able to carry out his purpose and do. And I just want to pause right there in that word do. As I began studying this verse, I came to this word, and what I discovered was so much, such deep meaning in this little word.


David  [00:04:11]:

Who knew there could be so much meaning in one little word? You know, often we read words without knowing or considering the deeper meaning behind them. And in doing so, we miss out on the picture God is painting for us. In the Old Testament book of Psalm, we see the word Salah a lot. In many of the psalms, Salah means to stop and think on this, reflect on the meaning of this statement, allow it to be planted in your heart. It’s what we call meditation. So I want us to have a salem moment together this morning as we explore the meaning of the word. Do means. This God is able to do means he is able to make, to produce, to construct, to form, to fashion, to be the author of the cause, to make ready, to prepare, to appoint or ordain one, to execute, to perform, to a promise.


David  [00:05:25]:

All of those words right there define what that little word do means. And God, this, Paul is saying this in this verse, is able to do that through you. John 1412 is an example of this, where Jesus said to the disciples, verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also. And greater works than these shall he do. Because I go unto my father by the action of his power working within you, he is able to do through you. Think about that. He is able to make things happen through you. He is able to produce through you.


David  [00:06:19]:

He is able to construct something through you. He is able to form or fashion something through you. He is able to cause you to be the author of something. Because through you, he is able to make ready, to prepare, to appoint, to ordain, to execute, to perform, to fulfill a promise. God is able to do all of that through you. Remember what Ephesians 210 says. We have looked at this verse a couple times over the last couple weeks. But remember this, for we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared for hope beforehand, that we should walk in them.


David  [00:07:15]:

And that phrase, we should walk in them, means that we should do them. God has prepared and made ready for us to do good works. Wow. There’s so much meaning in this little word. Hundreds of instances and hundreds of scriptures. Throughout the New Testament and throughout the whole Bible, we see that God does or God is able to do. God is all powerful. He is omnipotent.


David  [00:07:57]:

He is able to do so far beyond what we could think. You know, as I reflect on the meaning of this word, do I realize that God’s purpose for our lives is so much higher and larger than we understand or have experienced? God can and will transform us, fashion us, prepare us to walk in all he has for us as we yield ourselves to him. And that’s the key right there, is yielding ourselves to him every day. Now, let’s continue painting this picture by discovering the meaning of our next few words, which are just as insightful as the word do. So it says here, by the action of his power within us, God is able to carry out his purpose and do super abundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think. So let’s have another salem moment here and reflect and think about these words super abundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think. What do these words, this phrase, say to you? Super abundantly, far over, and above all that we dare ask or think. Can you picture in your mind’s eye what that looks like? Think about that for a moment that God is able to do through you when you’re yielded completely to him.


David  [00:09:40]:

Super abundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think. Is that a little mind boggling? I think it is. Let’s look at what this means. Superabundantly means more than enough. We know that our God is more than enough, but he’s made you to be more than enough also. And he can work through you and cause that to come to pass. It means excessive abundance. It means more than just sufficiency.


David  [00:10:15]:

It goes way beyond that. More than enough and extra left over. Here are a few examples of this from scripture. Our father God is not just enough, he is always more than enough. Psalm 23 one the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. That word want there means I shall not lack. I will not be without anything, because God is my shepherd. The Lord Jesus is my shepherd.


David  [00:10:55]:

He provides for me, which Paul says in Philippians 419 and my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus. Let’s look at that. Philippians 419 in the amplified because it kind of defines it for us. And God is able to make whoops, got ahead of myself. Philippians 419 in the amplified and my God will liberally supply he is liberal in his supply and in his giving to us. My God will liberally supply and fill to the full every need of yours according to his infinite riches and glory in Christ Jesus. Infinite riches. There’s no end to them.


David  [00:11:54]:

God’s not going to run dry. He’s always got more for you. He is there to bless us, be our source, our supply, and meet every need. Two Corinthians nine eight says this. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. All of these verses, and there’s many more. But these three verses, four verses here, point out that God works in us super abundantly. He is always more than enough.


David  [00:12:39]:

He always brings excessive abundance. More than just sufficiency, God is always enough and then some. In fact, God wants to create excessive abundance in you and through you. And it reminds me of the story there in the gospels where the 5000 were there and he fed them. And guess what? How many baskets did they have left over? Twelve. He was more than enough. And he took three fish, couple fish and some loaves of bread and fed 5000 people and had twelve baskets left over. What a blessing he is always more than enough and then some.


David  [00:13:40]:

In fact, God wants to create excessive abundance in you and through you. It’s not only more than enough, it’s so much that there’s not room enough to receive it. His blessing in you and through you overflows. Remember what Malachi said. The writer of Malachi, Malachi 310, says, bring all the tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And try me now in this, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it. It’s an overflowing, abundant blessing. That’s the way God wants to work in you, through you, for you and with you.


David  [00:14:34]:

Hallelujah it hallelujah. God doesn’t work through you just to have enough. His heart is always overflow. He is a God of increase. So this says super abundantly. Well, that word abundance means a great plenty, an overflowing quantity. Let me share this with you. You have the potential, the capacity within you for God to do way beyond what you dare ask or think.


David  [00:15:12]:

That’s what Paul’s saying here. And I know this, friends. I’ve seen this happen in many lives. I’ve seen this happen in my life and my wife’s life. I’ve seen God work in us in ways that were way beyond what we could do on our own. And we all have that potential within us. We all have that capacity within us. Now let’s look at what’s next.


David  [00:15:40]:

He is able to do super abundantly, far over far means to a greater degree, extent or distance, a great proportion over means, superiority and excellence, dignity or value with authority beyond a limit. You have all authority. Jesus said, all authority has been given to me, and I delegate it to you. I share it with you. We’re seated with him in heavenly places. Paul says this there in ephesians one and two. He talks about being seated with Christ in heavenly places. And so we’re at his right hand.


David  [00:16:29]:

And all authority is under our feet in Christ. And so he is able to do through you with authority to a great extent, a great degree, a great distance or a great proportion, with superiority and excellence. God wants and can do through you excellently, with dignity and value beyond a limit, in excess, above comprehension of all that we dare ask or think. Praise God. Praise God. Now, I want to share just a moment, a little bit about that word, dare. We’re going to dig into this more next week. But dare means we are coming with courage, strength of mind, and boldly.


David  [00:17:24]:

God did not give us a spirit of fear or timidity. He wants us to come with courage, strength of mind and boldness. So God is able to do through you way beyond, without limit, what you ask or think. It is courage for any purpose. That’s what that word dare means. I come in courage and boldness for any purpose. It is strength of mind to undertake any thing. And the boldness not to be afraid, but venture out and be adventurous in faith.


David  [00:18:05]:

That’s what that means. So the verse says, far over and above. The word above literally means, higher in place, superior in any respect, more in number and quantity. To a greater degree, beyond in excess, things beyond comprehension. God is able to do way more than enough. Beyond what you can ask or think. Far above what we can ask or think. In fact, it is so far beyond, you can’t comprehend it.


David  [00:18:48]:

I want to share this little story with you. When my daughter was growing up, the little kids movie toy story had come out. And if you remember, the astronaut guy in toy story would say, to infinity and beyond. Well, at night when I would tuck her in, she would say, I love you, Daddy. And I said, I love you too. And she goes, I love you three. And I say, I love you four. And she goes, I love you more.


David  [00:19:20]:

And I said, I love you to infinity. And she goes, I love you to infinity and beyond. And I would say, I love you beyond, beyond. And she would giggle and laugh. And that became our nighttime routine. God loves you beyond beyond. He wants to do in you and through you what is beyond your comprehension. And you’ll step back and look, how did that happen? How did I accomplish that? How did I go there? How did I speak to those people? Far over and above all.


David  [00:20:04]:

Jesus is our all in all. He is all and then some. The word all means everyone. The whole number, the whole quantity, the full extent, the full duration, amount or degree. All the parts or particulars which compose it wholly, completely, entirely. Basically, the word all means all. When God says all, he means everything. All beyond.


David  [00:20:42]:

All you ever ask or think, beyond your highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams, he can do all God is able to do super abundantly, far over and above all of this. Think about that. We can have another salem moment here. Think about him doing far over and above all of this, your highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams. That’s incredible. That’s why scripture says there, in the amplified that interpretation of the words. There is infinitely beyond, infinitely beyond. There is no end to what God can do in you, through you, with you, and for you.


David  [00:21:43]:

Another thought is, when Paul said all here, he wasn’t just talking about our life here on earth. He was also talking about our forever life. This is true for all eternity. When you get to heaven, you won’t stop thinking. You won’t stop asking. You won’t stop dreaming or desiring. That will continue. And God will always, in every way, be more.


David  [00:22:12]:

And you will always, in every way, be more and growing, too. And he will continue to work in you. Beyond, beyond. What are you thinking about right now? What are you desiring? What are you dreaming of? God is already way beyond you. Way beyond your thoughts, your prayers, your desires, your dreams, your hopes. God is far over and above all of this. Next week, we’re going to drill down further into this. But I want you to spend this week looking at this verse and thinking about God.


David  [00:23:09]:

What do you want to do in me? Through me and for me, I want you to get up every day expecting God to do super abundantly, far over and above all that you can dare ask or think. Let’s bow our heads in prayer today, Father. What do you desire to do in us, through us, with us and for us? We yield ourselves to you and your purpose. For today and every day before us. We are expecting greater things, Lord. So we will get up every day expecting, looking for, and desiring all you desire to do in us. Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to partner with you in all things. I ask that you make this word real in all of our hearts and your kingdom come and your will be done through us here in the earth as it is in heaven.


David  [00:24:16]:

Thank. Amen, guys. Have a blessed week. And I encourage you, just like we just prayed. Get up every day expecting more, greater things. God wants to do more through you. Pastor Conia is coming now with a closing word and prayer. Be blessed.


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