09/01 The Power of Faith in God’s Love and Promises


  1. What is the broader definition of prosperity as explained by David, and how does it differ from the common financial understanding of the term?
  2. How does Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross change the nature of the covenant for believers, according to the message?
  3. Why is faith crucial for receiving covenant blessings, and how can believers cultivate unwavering faith similar to Abraham’s?
  4. Discuss the importance of belief in God’s love for receiving blessings. How does this belief shape the relationship between God and believers?
  5. How does the message describe the relationship between God’s blessings and His desire for an intimate relationship with believers?
  6. In what ways can believers walk in God’s blessings by simply believing and receiving? Can you share personal experiences or testimonies about this principle?
  7. Reflect on the concept that the Bible is one continuous story about the blessing of covenant and the coming Messiah. How does this perspective change your understanding of scripture?
  8. What does it mean to be saved, justified, baptized, and empowered to cast out devils and pray in the name of Jesus? How can believers apply these aspects in their daily lives?
  9. How do God’s blessings empower believers to fulfill their destiny and be a blessing to others? Can you give examples of how this empowerment manifests?
  10. Discuss the significance of the statement that “the blessing of the Lord truly enriches without adding sorrow or painful toil.” How does this approach impact a believer’s spiritual life, health, and prosperity?

David [00:00:00]:
Even though we divide the Bible into Old Testament and New Testament, it really is one story. It’s all about the blessing of covenant. It’s all about the coming Messiah who would fulfill every covenant, promise and provide for us an ultimate everlasting covenant that can never be broken or surpassed. And because of the sacrifice of Christ and our redemption, we now have and enjoy all of God’s blessings. Even though some of the temporal elements of the mosaic covenant have passed away, the everlasting elements of all the previous covenants remain. In fact, they have come to life through Jesus, the one who is alive forevermore.

David [00:01:25]:
As we stated last week, our redemption is complete now and forever. Through Jesus blood weve been given his name, the name which is above every name, as it says in Philippians 2911. This is from the amplified. Therefore, because he stoops so low, God has highly exalted him and has freely bestowed on him the name that is above every name, that in at the name of Jesus, every knee should must bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue, frankly and openly confess and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Wow. Let’s think about that. Think about the power, the authority Jesus has given us in his name. And he’s given us his name.

David [00:02:52]:
We are saved when we call upon his name. Romans ten, three. And I encourage you, I’m not going to read all these because of time today, but I encourage you to take notes as I go through this. We are saved when we call upon his name. Romans 1013. We are justified by his name. First Corinthians 611. We are baptized in his name.

David [00:03:24]:
Matthew 20 819. We cast out devils in his name. Mark 16 1718. We pray in his name. One John 514. We ask in his name. John 14 1314 and John 1623 and 24. We bring healing in his name.

David [00:03:57]:
Acts three, six, acts 316, acts 410. Everything we do and say is to be done in his name. Colossians 317. I encourage you to go back through all of those verses and read them and meditate on them. Get them deep within you. We have been given a powerful, powerful blessing. It’s the name of Jesus. You know, over the last few weeks we have been studying the theme of the blessing.

David [00:04:40]:
I asked the Lord weeks ago, what do you want me to share? The Lord said to me, let my people know they are blessed. They have been blessed, they are blessed, they ever will be blessed. That’s what the Lord said to me. And so that’s what we’ve been spending the last few weeks studying, is the blessing of God. And each week I thought, well, this will be it. The Lord would give me something else. And so here we are. And today we’re closing out.

David [00:05:17]:
The Lord has told me this will be the last Sunday. So today we’re closing out our study of the blessing. And so I want to just take some time and revisit a few insights that I believe are significant to what we’ve studied and learned about the blessing. Number one, remember, the motive behind God’s blessing always goes back to relationship. He desires more than anything to be in constant fellowship with you. I want you to just stop and think about that for a moment. Our father, God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, desires more than anything to be in constant fellowship with you. God just wants to hang out with you all day long and be with you in everything you do.

David [00:06:13]:
And he wants you to know that, to recognize that and acknowledge that. He wants to be right there with you when you enter into covenant with God through Christ. You were committing yourself by faith to a relationship with him. You were binding yourself to almighty God, which has been his intention all along. That’s right where he wants you. He wants you bound to him. Hallelujah. Praise God.

David [00:06:48]:
What a blessing it was. A blessing God bestowed on Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden that enabled them to fulfill his divine mandate. The blessing empowered them with all of heaven’s resources so he could fill the earth with God’s goodness and mercy. It crowned Adam with glory and the anointing, or we might say, with divine ability to carry out his destiny. And if you want to read more than that, you can study psalm 103, verse five or psalm eight five and Hebrews two seven. All three of those verses will give you more insight to that. But you also remember that when Adam disobeyed God and handed his authority over to the devil, he lost it all. He lost his fellowship with God and had to hide from his presence.

David [00:07:59]:
He traded the blessing for the curse, not only for himself, but for all mankind. But now, through the new covenant, through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and all that he did for us, the blessing has been restored to us. Instead of hiding from God through, think about that. We don’t have to hide from God. Instead of hiding from God through Jesus, we can come into God’s presence and call him father. He’s your father. He’s my father. We’re all in the family together.

David [00:08:47]:
Jesus has made the way for us to come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. That’s from Hebrews 416. And that word grace in there is defined in the Greek there favor. God’s favor. We can come boldly into the throne of his favor, that we may obtain mercy and find favor to help in time of need. God has surrounded us with favor. We’re his children, we’re his family. He has surrounded us with favor.

David [00:09:37]:
What’s more, Jesus has made us heirs of God’s glory. All that Adam lost, Jesus brought back and restored to us. And he has made us heirs. Romans 815 17 talks about that he has restored our dominion. And when we deposit his words of dominion, our hearts, they produce the faith of Jesus within us. The faith to move mountains again take notes here. I’m going to give you a list of things that that faith that has been restored to us will do. The faith to move mountains mark 1122 and 23 the faith to subdue kingdoms second Samuel eight one two Samuel 811 15 2nd Samuel 5710 two Samuel 23 20 the faith to bring peace, quietness and confidence Isaiah 30 217 the faith to quench violent fires Daniel 326 28 the face to clothe clothes the mouth of lions Daniel 616 22 also the faith to raise the dead Luke 853-5355 the faith to cast out devils Matthew 816 Matthew ten eight Matthew 1228 Mark 125, mark five eight and mark 925 and the faith for anything else his overcoming power can do.

David [00:11:47]:
Hebrews 11 33 35 thank God that faith has been restored to us through the new covenant. God has equipped us with everything we need to do what God told Adam to do with the blessing. We have it all. It is all within us. He’s equipped and empowered us listen to this. Through Christ Jesus. He’s equipped and empowered us to be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth and subdue it using all of its vast resources in the service of God and man. He has given us the divine ability to fulfill our assignment and be blessed and to be a blessing.

David [00:12:48]:
Our blessing, which is ours through Jesus Christ, covers every area of our life, spirit, soul, body, relationally and financially. It also encompasses all the realms of influence here in the world today, including government, business, economics, commerce, education, the arts, communication, technology, everything involving and affecting mankind and the rest of God’s creation of his planet, of this planet. God’s blessing is there for us, empowers us to have influence, power and authority in every realm. I just mentioned in more proverbs 1022 says this, and this is from the amplified. Proverbs 1022 and the amplified the blessing of the Lord. It makes truly rich, and he adds no sorrow with it. Neither does toiling increase it. Wow.

David [00:14:03]:
Unlike worldly riches, the riches produced by the blessing have no downside. They don’t come by painful toil, which is what the Hebrew word translated, sorrow means. Pain and sorrow are a part of the curse that came on mankind through Adam’s disobedience. That curse produced the threefold results of spiritual death, which we call separation from God, sickness, which is our physical being, and poverty, our financial, our resources. The curse brought separation from God’s sickness and poverty. The blessing, however, produces the exact opposite. It brings spiritual life, which we call the new birth through Jesus Christ. It brings health and it brings prosperity in every dimension of our life.

David [00:15:18]:
When you hear that word prosperity, remember that the hebrew definition of that is to advance, to make progress, to succeed and to profit. It’s not just about money. It’s about every realm of responsibility in your life. God’s prosperity, God’s blessing, empowers you to advance, to make progress, to succeed, and to profit in every area of your life. What we see here is because of Jesus sacrifice on the cross for us, he has redeemed us from the curse of the law. There is no curse attached to the new covenant as there was with other covenants, and that’s one of the blessings. We didn’t talk about that in detail last week or the week before, but that’s one of the blessings. There is no curse attached to the new covenant as there was with other covenants.

David [00:16:29]:
Hebrews eleven six, new King James Version but without faith, it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. So number one, we got to believe that he is. Number two, we got to believe that he is a rewarder. Think about that, my father. God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. And number three, we got to come to him in faith in all of these things. Every covenant blessing comes by faith, as the Bible says. In Hebrews 1038.

David [00:17:22]:
And then again in first John 416, Hebrews 1038, it says this now, the just shall live by faith. And then in one John 416, it says, for we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. He rewards us because he loves us. And when we diligently and earnestly seek him and want to be close to him and connected to him. He says, come on, child, come here. Let me bless you. Think about this. Knowing God loves us is one thing, but knowing God, let me say this another way.

David [00:18:17]:
Toby, let’s edit that. Here we go. Think about this. Knowing God loves us is one thing, but believing in God’s love is another. To receive the covenant, blessing those blessings that are ours by the blood of Jesus, we must believe God’s love. We must have faith in God’s love because it is the foundation upon which our covenant with him rests. His motivation in establishing the new covenant was to redeem us so he could restore his family back to himself. That’s what he wanted, to come back into relationship with us.

David [00:19:16]:
He wanted to get his hands on us and bless us. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. You know, one of the things I love, I love blessing my children and my grandchildren, and I’m looking forward to the day that one of my grandchildren has children and I can bless my great grandchildren. And as Jesse Duplantis likes to say, my grandchildren are great. They make me grand, but my great grandchildren, they’re going to make me great. So what’s our testimony to the world that God loves us as much as he loves Jesus? I don’t know if you think about that, but think about that. God loves you right now just as much as he loves Jesus.

David [00:20:13]:
God loves you just as much as he loves Jesus. Now, the enemy may be trying to convince you that you’re not as good as some or, you know, you’ll never get there. But I’m telling you, the word of God says, if you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and savior and you’re following you, God loves you and he loves you just as much as he loves Jesus. Think about this. When anyone realizes that our covenant with God is based on his love for us rather than our love for him, we’ll never doubt his word. We’ll never doubt his word to say, to heal, to provide, to answer, to prosper us, to restore us, to break through, to show up for us, to be present with us, to move us, to reveal things to us, deliver us, to fill all of our needs, to bring, overflow or meet us right where we are. Wow. That’s the blessing that we’re walking into today.

David [00:21:45]:
Romans 420 24. Speaking of Abraham says this, and this is from the new living translation NLT Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger. And in this, he brought glory to goddess. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises. And because of Abraham’s faith, God counted him as righteous. And when God counted him as righteous, it wasn’t just for Abraham’s benefit. It was recorded for our benefit, too, assuring us that God will also count us as righteous if we believe in him, the one who raised Jesus, our Lord, from the dead.

David [00:22:43]:
Do you believe in him? Do you believe he will do what he’s promised? That he will be there for us, that he’ll be a rewarder to us and for us? God loves you. He desires to be in an intimate relationship with you. He wants you to know you are blessed and he desires to see you walk and all of the blessings he has for you, every one of them. As I say this, I’m reminded of ephesians 320. And I taught a series on this last year. And you can go on our website or to our YouTube channel and go back and find it. Series I did on a feast of 320. But it says this in the amplified.

David [00:23:57]:
He is able, and I’m summarizing a little here, but he is able by his power, to fulfill his purpose in you superabundantly, far over and above anything you can dare ask or think. What can you dare ask or thank God. I remember back in Covid, all of our kids were home and house was noisy, so I went and told Conia one day, I said, I’m going in our closet in our bedroom and close the door so I can pray and I have some privacy while I’ll do that in quietness. And I remember walking in the closet that day and closing the door. And I just started praising God and thanking God. And the Lord said to me, you’re not thinking big enough, David. I dare you to ask me for something big. I went, whoa.

David [00:25:03]:
He can do super abundantly, far over and above anything you dare ask or think. And then ephesians 320, the amplified goes on to say this, infinitely beyond think about that. Do you really remember and understand what infinitely means without end? But it says infinitely beyond, and I like to say that’s beyond beyond. That’s way past what we can think or imagine. But he says he can do in us and through us, for us, with us, by his power, infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams. Wow. That’s how much God loves you. That’s how much God wants to see you walking in his blessing.

David [00:26:11]:
And the first part of chapter three before Ephesians 320, that’s exactly what Paul is telling us about the length and breadth and height and depth of his love for us. God loves you. I’ll say this again. God loves you and he desires to be in an intimate relationship with you. He wants you to know you are blessed. He desires to see you walk in all of his blessing, all that he has. All we have to do is simply believe and receive all he has freely given. My friends, you are blessed.

David [00:27:07]:
Say that with me. I am blessed. Yes, you are. You are blessed. Halloween. Spare hands with prayer. Father, we thank you. Hallelujah.

David [00:27:22]:
We thank you, Lord, for your promises. We thank you for your word. We thank you for our covenant with you through Jesus Christ. And we thank you for all the blessings. Haha. All the blessings that are ours and that we have available to us and that we’re walking in today and that we will walk in. Father, Father God, throughout eternity, thank you for empowering us, equipping us to be all that you created us to be, and for blessing us beyond measure, that we may go forth and be a blessing to all those we encounter. Hallelujah.

David [00:28:00]:
Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord, for blessing us. Thank you, Lord, for loving us with all of your heart. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord, for being there with us, for us, working in us and through us. Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to walk with you each and every day.

David [00:28:27]:
We love you, Lord. And we thank you for all of your, your blessing. In Jesus name. So be it. Amen. God bless you. Pastor Conia is coming now with a closing word and a prayer over all of us. Go forth and have a blessed week.

David [00:28:55]:
Go forth and be all that God has called and created you to be. Amen.

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