09/08 The God of Increase


  1. God’s Nature and Increase:
    • How do you understand God’s nature as the “God of increase”? Can you give examples from your own life or the lives of others that demonstrate this attribute?
  2. Biblical References:
    • What significance do passages like Genesis’ command to “be fruitful and multiply” and 1 Corinthians 3:6-7 hold in understanding God’s role in growth and increase?
  3. Empowerment by God:
    • In what ways do you feel empowered by God to reflect His nature of increase in your daily life?
  4. Aspects of Increase:
    • How do the various aspects of increase (multiplication, repetition, production, and wisdom) apply to your personal and professional endeavors?
  5. Extended Example of Israel in Egypt:
    • How does the story of the Israelites’ multiplication in Egypt (from 70 to a nation) illustrate God’s promise of increase to His people?
  6. Blessings and Flourishing Attributes:
    • What attributes of flourishing (such as being long-lived, upright, or stable) can you identify in your life, and which ones would you like to cultivate more?
  7. Trusting God Over Riches:
    • Why is it important to trust in God rather than material riches? How does 1 Timothy 6:17-19 guide us in this regard?
  8. Distribution vs. Accumulation of Wealth:
    • Discuss the principle of accumulating wealth for the purpose of distribution and helping others. How does this principle manifest in the way you manage your resources?
  9. Personal Practice of Generosity:
    • What practices of secretive or humble giving have you seen or experienced? How does this align with the concept of being a “ninja giver”?
  10. Daily Expectation of Increase:
    • How can the practice of proclaiming daily increases, as encouraged in the episode, influence your outlook and experiences throughout the day?

David [00:00:01]:

Good morning, everyone. Again, and just let me say again, I’m so excited you’re here, and I’m excited about what we’re going to be talking about today as we delve into the word of God and go deeper with who our father God is. I’ve said this before, and I’m going to say it again. We serve a God of increase. He is always more.

David [00:00:49]:
In fact, he is increasing today, becoming more and more, more, just like if you have researched this or studied this, read about this. Our universe is always expanding, getting larger, and our God is always expanding, getting larger, always becoming more and more and more. And, you know, when he said, be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth, he was speaking increase over us. He was telling us that we had that same capacity within us. We’re going to be looking at that more deeply here in a moment. He was empowering us to increase, and God always gives the increase, no matter how it comes in you or through you or for you or with you, it’s always God working in some way, because God is the God of increase, and he gives the increase. Paul gives us insight into this principle in first corinthians the third chapter, one corinthians three, six, and seven, in the new King James version says this, I planted, apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants anything or he who waters, but God who gives the increase.

David [00:02:31]:
Amen. Every seed we plant, God brings a harvest. He brings the increase in our life. Increase always comes. And I’ve said this many times, but increase always comes by God working in us, through us, with us and for us. Hallelujah. God is for us. He’s on our side.

David [00:02:58]:
He has our back. He’s leading the way. He’s surrounding us with his favorite, with the shield. Hallelujah. Praise God. God wants his children to increase. Psalms 115, verses twelve through 14. Let’s look at that.

David [00:03:21]:
This is from the new King James version. Also. It says this, the Lord has been mindful of us. Think about that. Think about what the psalmist is saying here. God is mindful of us. He is thinking about us. He notices you.

David [00:03:39]:
He knows right where you are. He knows all that he has for you. You’re not just one of 8 billion that he doesn’t think about all that. He thinks about you, and he knows you. He goes on to say this, he will bless us, and we’ve studied that over the last few weeks. The blessing of goddess. And it is God’s heart and desire to bless us. So let’s go back.

David [00:04:09]:
The Lord has been mindful of us. He will bless us. He will bless the house of Israel. He will bless the house of Aaron. He will bless those who fear the Lord, both small and great. Now listen to verse 14 here. May the Lord give you increase more and more, you and your children. Hallelujah.

David [00:04:41]:
Hallelujah. Hallelujah. God wants to see us increase. He wants to bless us, and he wants to bless our children, too. That was a part of the promise that he gave to Abraham. Not only will your seed be as the stars, I will bless them as I bless you if they walk in my ways and follow after me. Hallelujah. As I was studying these verses, psalm 100 1514.

David [00:05:10]:
Of course, the Lord put that on my heart, and it popped out to me. The Lord spoke to me about three aspects of being fruitful and multiplying, of increasing. And I want to share those with you today and. And have you thinking about those we have seen over the last few weeks as we studied the blessing of God, that he wants us to be fruitful and multiply. He wants us to increase, to expand, to grow. And I love where it talks about their subduing the earth and the amplified. It says, subduing the earth using all of its vast resources in the service of God and man. Wow.

David [00:06:01]:
Praise God. Praise God. Praise God. So let’s jump into this today. The first aspect of fruitfulness is increase. Okay? And that’s what we’re talking about. All of this, actually, is about increase. Fruitfulness is about walking in the power of increase.

David [00:06:22]:
And psalm 115 14, again, let me read it again. May the Lord give you increase more and more, you and your children. And so we said being fruitful and multiplying is increase. That is an expression of increase. And this word increase here in the Hebrew means this number one. It means to multiply. So there you are. We should be multiplying.

David [00:06:53]:
Sure. That includes having children. That’s one of the ways we’d multiply. But we can multiply in many other ways, too. In our influence and in our knowledge and in our relationship with God and others and with our spouse, our family. We can multiply all that God has put within us as we share it with others and pour it into them. Another definition or another way to say this increase is something that happens again and again there in the Hebrew, that definition means to multiply and then to do it again and again. So it’s an ongoing progressive multiplication that’s happening on and on and on over time.

David [00:07:48]:
It means to produce, to produce, to create something. It means to create product. And what’s a product of our lives, of our relationships, of our relationship with God. We can create multiplication and increase that keeps going over and over and over again. It also means to create a flow of revenue or income. And so increase impacts all of our lives, spiritually, mentally, physically, relationally, and financially. And so increase is also about the flow, the supply that God brings to us. We remember in Philippians, he says he is our source and our supply, and he meets all of our needs according to his riches and glory.

David [00:08:47]:
And so that revenue and income, he wants to bring us increase in that also. It also means this to gain wisdom. Now, gaining wisdom is different from just simply knowing something. I can have knowledge of something, but, and even understand it to some degree, but that doesn’t mean I have wisdom about it. And wisdom is that level of knowing and understanding that we know how to maximize what we’re talking about and working with to the greatest degree. We know how to implement it. We know how to get the best, the most back from it. And God says that he will teach us this and give us the wisdom, as it says in the book of James, there, if you lack ask, I will give you wisdom.

David [00:09:47]:
And so increase. Let me say this again, is about multiplication, doing it again and again, over and over, producing and creating. It’s about generating revenue and income and about gaining wisdom. And so increase covers every dimension of our life. So it goes on. The Lord says, I want to give you increase more and more, you and your children. More and more means to add to. And so if we’re multiplying and doing it again and again, more and more, it’s going to be the result, the outcome.

David [00:10:31]:
God wants to keep adding to us. That’s his heart. Just like he keeps growing and becoming more, he wants us to grow and become more. So what we see here, this is a progressive thing, a progressive process that God has put into action. So God is our God of increase. He is the God of adding to the God of more and more. And we see this more and more aspect of increase manifest in Israel while they were in Egypt. Let’s look at Exodus, chapter one, verses five through seven.

David [00:11:16]:
This is from the new King James version, Exodus one, five, seven. All those who were descendants of Jacob were 70 persons. For Joseph was in Egypt already, and Joseph died, all his brothers and all that generation. Now think about that. So we know the story of Joseph and how his brothers sold him into slavery. And he rose to be ruling there in Egypt because of the wisdom of goddesse that was working and flowing in him. And God elevated him. And then during famine, Joseph’s short story is he brought all of his family there through a series of events.

David [00:12:05]:
All of his family came to live there in Egypt with him, his father, Jacob. And so what we see is the family of Abraham. From the time of Isaac to Joseph, they had grown to 70 people. From one to 70 or two to 70 or three, if you count Abraham, Sarah and Isaac. And that grew to 70 people. And so they entered Egypt during a time of famine. 70 people. Then it goes on to say this, but the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly.

David [00:12:47]:
Or they multiplied. He goes on to say this multiplied and grew exceedingly mighty, and the land was filled with them. Now let me read all of that again so we have a context here. All those who were descendants of Jacob were 70 persons. For Joseph was in Egypt already, and Joseph died, all his brothers and all that generation. But the children of Israel were fruitful and increased abundantly, multiplied and grew exceedingly mighty. And the land was filled with them. What we see here is God fulfilling his promise of increase to Abraham.

David [00:13:36]:
He showed Abraham, the stars said, look, your descendants are going to be like the stars. They’re going to multiply like the stars. So 70 descendants of Abraham went into Egypt, and over time, they increased more and more and more. God blessed them and they were fruitful. And it says, they increased abundantly. They multiplied and grew exceedingly mighty. The land was filled with them. The Lord brought increase.

David [00:14:14]:
And the fact the land was filled with them was the thing that the new pharaoh that came to rule, he got worried about this, that the Jewish PopulAtion, the family of Jacob and Joseph, were going to take over. And so they started doing things to enslave them. The other thing that we see when we study scripture about this, the land where they lived was blessed, and it was multiplying. The cattle, the CROPS, everything about it was multiplying. God was blessing it. And so the pharaoh said, we got to do something about this. And they created a system to where they enslaved the Jews because it so intimidated them. Now we know that after 400 years of this, God calls Moses to lead the children of Israel out of captivity, out of slavery, and to take them back to their homeland, back to Israel.

David [00:15:22]:
Canaan was what it was called then. Now I want to go back to this. When Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt, get this we know that 70 went in. When Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt, there were three to 6 million of them. The researchers and experts tell us they’re not quite sure. We know there were at least 3 million. There could have been 6 million, but there were millions. A bunch.

David [00:15:55]:
There were a bunch of people. So 70 went into Egypt and millions came out. The power and blessing of increase was working in Israel. We see this confirmed again in deuteronomy when Moses is speaking to Israel here in chapter one of deuteronomy, chapter one, verses ten and eleven. New King James version says this, the Lord your God has multiplied you, and here you are today as the stars of heaven in multitude. May the Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times more numerous than you are and bless you as he has promised you. Now think about that. Moses is speaking over them a thousand times.

David [00:16:57]:
Blessing. He is saying, God has promised to multiply you, to increase you. And look, here you are. You’ve multiplied like the stars. But I pray it. Go on. It. Continue.

David [00:17:09]:
That you’re added to again and again. You are multiplied a thousand times more. Guys, this is the heart of God. And Abraham understood this. Isaac and Jacob understood this. Joseph understood this. Moses understood this. We serve a God of increase.

David [00:17:38]:
We serve today, right now, a God of increase. And he will increase you and add to you again and again, more and more. You say, well, how do. How do I walk in that, brother David? Number one, believe it. Number two, receive it. And number three, expect it. Expect God’s increase. And I’m excited about something here at emerge International.

David [00:18:13]:
We’re working on our first conference, our first three day event, live event that we’re gonna do here in a couple weeks. And God put this on our heart and. And put it on Conia’s heart first. And she came to me with it. We prayed about it and said, yes, let’s do it. And God said, trust me. And he started showing us how to do it and what to do. And so we were planning, making plans, getting the room we’re going to use to have the event in and all the things.

David [00:18:48]:
And God said, trust me, I’ll make a way. We had no idea we were looking at what the budget was going to be going. Okay. The Lord said to trust him. Well, guys, yesterday we get a Conia got a text message from someone, and they said, my husband and I have been praying. We felt led to donate to your ministry. My husband and I have been praying, and here’s the amount that we just donated. And we wanted to let you know, guys.

David [00:19:22]:
We got so excited because what they donated covered the budget for our event and then some. And so we were sharing with them, look what God did. They had no idea we were even having an event. They just felt led to so into God’s kingdom. And look. And because of this increase in our ministry, we’re able to turn around and pour that back into the people that are coming to this event and offer it to them without them having to invest any financial reserve. Yeah, I’m back. Thank you.

David [00:22:55]:
Check 1212-1212 okay, I think I’m still recording here, Toby. So we will see as we move forward. Am I still recording? I believe so. Okay. Yeah, we are. All right, here we go. Toby, I’m sorry. Five, four, three.

David [00:23:36]:
What a blessing. Let me say it again. What a blessing that is. And so here we are with all that budget met. I can’t. It’s just I’m so excited about what God’s doing. He increased us. And now we, as I said earlier, can take all that and pour it into these people and bless them.

David [00:24:06]:
Let me say this again. We serve a God of increase. He will increase you and add to you again and again, more and more. You know, brother Kenneth Copeland prophesied in the beginning of 2024 that this year is a year of more and more and more. More salvations, more healings, more deliverance, more miracles, more open doors, more opportunities, more possibilities, more resources, more debt demolished, more financial blessings. A year of more and more and more. You know, we studied before in the last few weeks as we were talking about blessing in Galatians three, that as children of Abraham and heirs, according to the promise, we also have the blessing of increase available to us. You can get up every day and proclaim, thank you, Lord, for increasing me today.

David [00:25:18]:
And that’s a part of that expectation. God, I thank you for it because I know it’s coming. I’m looking for it. I’m expecting it. Some days it comes in some small way. Some days it comes in a large way. But know this, every day God is wanting you to increase. He’s wanting to see you be more and more and more and bring more and more and more to you.

David [00:25:43]:
In fact, let me declare this over you again. Psalm 115 14, I pray this for you. May the Lord give you increase more and more, you and your children. Hallelujah. Praise God. So the first aspect of fruitfulness is increased. The second aspect of fruitfulness is to flourish. Now, psalm 115 14 in the Niv, it says it this way.

David [00:26:18]:
May the Lord God cause you to flourish, both you and your children. Well, what does that mean? What does flourish mean? Well, flourish means this. A couple things. It means, to bud means to sprout, to bloom like a flower, like a garden, vegetables, whatever it means. Also think about this. To fly, to flourish means you’re flying. So there are two things that came to mind here. And I love flowers.

David [00:26:51]:
I love flower beds. I love flowers and pots. I love seeing the colors and flowers and flowers flourish as a buddha, as a sprout, and as a bloom. Flowers flourish as a bud, sprout and bloom. And we do that, too. You know, I’m watching my grandchildren bud, sprout, and bloom. We’ve got a seven year old, five year old, and a three year old right now. Wow.

David [00:27:21]:
Watching them go through this phase of their life is just inspiring to me because they are the flourishing. Hallelujah. The second aspect of flourishing is to fly. And immediately, what I thought of was a butterfly. As a butterfly emerges from the cocoon and spreads its wings, it begins to soar to heights previously unreachable. Think about that. And that’s a lot of the theme of emerge. International church is about that right there, about coming forth and being all you were created to be.

David [00:28:09]:
The word emerged means to come forth, just like a butterfly comes forth. What was a caterpillar. Now’s a butterfly that is soaring to heights previously unreachable. And God wants you to flourish. God wants you to soar to heights previously unreachable. Psalm 90 212 15. And this is from the amplified version, the classic amplified, psalm 90 212 15. The uncompromisingly righteous shall flourish like the palm tree.

David [00:28:48]:
Be long lived, stately, upright, useful, and fruitful. They shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Majestic, stable, durable, and incorruptible. Planted in the house of the Lord. They shall flourish in the courts of our God, growing in grace, they shall still bring forth fruit in old age. They shall be full of SAP, of spiritual vitality, and rich in the virtue of trust, love, and contentment. They are living memorials to show that the Lord is upright and faithful to his promises. He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him.

David [00:29:37]:
Hallelujah. That word flourished there in the Hebrew means this. It spelled it out there in the amplified force. It means to be long lived. God wants you to flourish and have a long life. Genesis six three. He says, the time of man here on earth will be 120 years. And I’ve talked to medical professionals and doctors, and they said there’s really no reason we can’t live to that age.

David [00:30:09]:
Number one, if we eat right, if we exercise, keep moving, and if we get sleep and rest every night, if those three things, if you’re taking care of yourself, there’s no reason you can’t live and be long lived. To say, say, and so I want to be long lived. I’ve got some friends, and I. And we take Genesis six three and say, we’re part of the 120 club. And so that’s what we’re working toward. But it means I got to take care of this house. God gave me my body to live in. I’ve got to be feeding my mind and my spirit the right things, and I’ve got to be moving and exercising and doing what I need to do so that I can have that long life so I can flourish.

David [00:31:03]:
And God wants that for me. Number two, it means to be stately. To be stately means to be elevated in sentiment. Not only do you have a proper sentiment for the world around you and the people here in the world, but they have a sentiment for you. And because you flourish, and as it says here in this verse, become a living memorial, people express their sentiment to you and towards you because of who you are and the example you set. That’s a part of flourishing. Another, a third part of flourishing is to be upright, to be honest and just. It means to be useful, having power to produce good.

David [00:31:58]:
And we’ve already seen a part of increase is producing good things, creating good things, being fruitful and multiplying. The fifth thing here is to be fruitful. Fruitfulness is producing an abundance. Usefulness is to produce something good, but then fruitfulness is to do it in abundance, produce it in abundance. Next is it means majestic. When you’re flourishing, you’re majestic, you’re grand, you’re. You’re splendid. I love my grandchildren.

David [00:32:33]:
They made me grand. I’m granddaddy, or papa’s, what they call me, but I’m grand now. Hallelujah. Next is it means to be stable. And to be stable means you’re steady. You’re steady in purpose. You’re moving forward. You know who you are in Christ, and you know you have a purpose here in the earth.

David [00:33:00]:
And next, it means to be durable, having the quality of lasting, continuing long, and being there again, long life again. We have that lasting life within us. God’s life is within us. Our eternalness is already inside of us, and so we are durable. Flourishing also means to be incorruptible, that which cannot corrupt or decay. So we can’t be corrupted. The enemy can’t come to us and corrupt us unless we allow him, and we choose not to allow him. And so there’s no corruptibles or spiritual, mental, physical decay in us, in Jesus name.

David [00:33:58]:
Next, flourishing means that we’re growing in grace, the favorable influence of God every day. You could walk in the favor of Goddesse. You can grow in the favor of God. You can grow in his goodwill and kindness. God’s favor is all around you. It is here for you. And next, flourishing means that you’re full of spiritual vitality. The way it said it there in the scripture.

David [00:34:31]:
You’re full of SAP. And SAP was that flow of life in the tree, that flow that brought life. You’re full of spiritual vitality. It is the act and the power of living life. Hallelujah. I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me because I had the life of God, the anointing of God, that spiritual life working in me and through me. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

David [00:35:02]:
Hallelujah. The Holy Spirit quickens me every day. And that word quickens means to make alive, to give me life and vitality every day to strengthen me. And last but not least, when you’re flourishing, it means that you’re rich in the virtues of trust, love and contentment. And that’s what Jesus came to give us, is that place of peace, that place of contentment, that place of knowing that we live in a relationship with him and our father God, the Holy Spirit. That’s a relationship filled with love and trust. God loves us. He trusts us.

David [00:35:47]:
We can love him unconditionally and trust him with all of our life. So the first aspect of fruitfulness is increase. The second aspect of fruitfulness is what we say it was to flourish. The second aspect is to flourish. So fruitfulness or increase, then we flourish. And now the third aspect of fruitfulness is being richly blessed. Psalm 100 1514. In the new living translation, they translate it this way.

David [00:36:31]:
May the Lord richly bless both you and your children. That word richly there means abundantly. May the Lord abundantly bless both you and your children. It also means abundantly means to multiply. So it could be said, may the Lord multiply both you and your children. Hallelujah. And God wants to do that ritually also means to overflow. May the Lord overflow in blessing both you and your children.

David [00:37:11]:
May you overflow as you walk in the blessing of the Lord, you and your children. God wants to bring overflow. The next thing it means is this richly means to possess and excess, not just overflow, but an abundant overflow. And then number four richly means abounding in blessing both you and your children. Hallelujah. Abundantly overflow, excess abounding. And we know this is true because Jesus said this in John 1010, and I’m going to read it to you from the classic amplified here. John 1010 the thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy.

David [00:38:01]:
I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance to the full till it overflows. Hallelujah. God came that we might have life in abundance, a full life, an overflowing life. Hallelujah. He wants us to richly, richly, richly be blessed and walk in this blessing of flourishing and increase. One Timothy 617 in the new King James version, command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. There it is again, that same word, richly. And that word richly.

David [00:38:58]:
Again, it means abundantly overflowing, in excess, abounding. So God gives us richly this overflow, this abundance. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. In all things to enjoy. First Timothy 617 in the new living translation says this teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable. Their trust should be in God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment.

David [00:39:38]:
So it’s saying it’s okay that they have riches. It’s okay that they’re blessed financially, but teach them that that is not where they put their trust, because worldly riches can come and go. They can come and go in a day. We’ve heard the stories of. And so that is not where we put our trust. We put our trust in God, who richly brings blessing to us and gives us all we need for our enjoyment. First Timothy 617, again in the amplified let’s see how in the amplified classic they define this. As for the rich in this world, charge them not to be proud and arrogant and contemptuous of others, nor to set their hopes on uncertain riches, but on God.

David [00:40:32]:
We set our hopes on God, who richly and ceaselessly provides us with everything for our enjoyment, not only so they expand all the word richly. Here he richly and ceaselessly. This is not a one and done. It’s what we were talking about earlier with increase. It’s an adding to. It’s a more and more he ceaselessly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. So it’s ongoing, it’s never ending for all eternity for life here and now and for all eternity. He will richly and ceaselessly provide us with everything for our enjoyment.

David [00:41:20]:
And then it goes on to say in one Timothy 618 19, charge them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be liberal and generous of heart, ready to share with others, and this way laying up for themselves the riches that endure forever as a good foundation for the future so that they may grasp that which is life. Indeed. So what Paul was telling Timothy here, it’s okay if you have the riches, but don’t trust there, but learn to do this so into others. Be good, be liberal, generous, share with others and this way we lay up for ourselves the riches that endure forever. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Oh hallelujah. We walk in a level of the life of God that lays a foundation for our future that is beyond, beyond as I like to say. One friend of Conia Nyes says this my motivation for accumulation is distribution and that’s really what we’re all about.

David [00:42:44]:
Conia and I’ve shared this before, but we love to sew into people and she says we like to be ninja givers and so we give or take care of things and never say anything about it and never let people know who. And so we love doing that and that’s what it’s about. We know that God wants to bless us. We expect that blessing, we pray for it. But our motivation for accumulation is distribution. And that testimony I shared with you earlier in this message about somebody sowing into our ministry and funding taking care of the event we’re having. Hallelujah. It’s all paid for, praise God.

David [00:43:28]:
The whole budget’s been methadone so that accumulation came so we can distribute it back through this event and equip and empower and pour in to other people. Praise God. That is what the kingdom is all about. These verses that we just read and looked at are about where to focus our mind, our heart, and our efforts. May the Lord richly bless both you and your children. So we’re not through with that verse yet. This is again from the NLT. May the Lord richly bless both you and your children.

David [00:44:09]:
And we know that this word blessed. We saw this a few weeks ago when we were studying the blessing of God. That word blessed means to be prospered by goddesses, prospered by God. All the blessings that are coming to you are coming to you by your father God. And the four words there that define that word prospered are number one. When God prospers us, he empowers us to advance. Number two, he empowers us to make progress. Number three, he empowers us to succeed.

David [00:44:49]:
And number four, he empowers us to profit. Isaiah 40 817, in the amplified classic, says this. Thus says, the Lord, your redeemer, the holy one of Israel, I am the Lord, your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way that you should go. And that word, prophet there in the Hebrew, God is teaching us to profit. It means to rise above, to ascend, to excel, to be useful, which is the power to produce good, to be valuable. It means to set forward, to advance. It means to be able to aid, to benefit, to receive help from anything, to avail or succeed, to gain, make progress. So we see, that word there, prophet, capsulizes all we just said about God prospering us.

David [00:45:59]:
And even more, God wants to teach you to profit. It says, who leads you in the way that you should go. He will lead you in the way that you should go. That’s his promise to us. He teaches us how to profit. But then he says, now, here’s the way to do it. He gives you the strategy, the plan. You don’t have to figure it out all on your own.

David [00:46:27]:
You take it to heaven. Lord, how do you want us to do this? I remember David was going out to battle. Pharisees or not Pharisees, the Philistines were coming against Israel. And David says, lord, how do we go? And God says, go out into battle and meet them head on, face to face. And they triumphed. They overcame. Well, then the Philistines hadn’t had enough, so they’re coming back again. And David prayed and sought the Lord and said, lord, do we go out and meet them head to head again, face to face? And the Lord said, no.

David [00:47:03]:
Hide in the woods and take them from behind. And they won again. And they overcame them. They won both times. They profited both times. But God had a different strategy in each one of those situations. And so once you learn a strategy, doesn’t mean you’re always going to use that same strategy in every situation. So we need to seek the Lord and say, God, how do we profit in this siTuation, in this relationship, on this project? And he will show you the way.

David [00:47:39]:
Praise God. That is his promise. The Lord wants to teach us to increase more and more. And then he wants to show us the way. And so I declare this over you today. May the Lord increase you. May the Lord cause you to flourish and richly bless you and your children. Know this.

David [00:48:03]:
Our God is a God of increase. And you’re his son, his daughter. You’re a part of the family and you are children of increase. He is a God of more and more and more. He is El Shaddai, the God of more than enough. And he is always there for you, wanting to pour this out in you, through you, with you and for you. God is a God of increase. Look to him every day, expecting his increase to come to you.

David [00:48:41]:
Let’s bow our heads in prayer. Father, we thank you for this word from your word to us that you are a God of increase and you want to empower us to increase, to flourish, to be richly blessed in every dimension of our life, in every relationship we have. And father, I pray that over everyone who’s listening today that this truth would get deep in their heart and their spirit. Father, and they would begin to walk in a level of increase that they haven’t even imagined before and impact the lives and the people around them that, in a way, causes blessing and increase to come to them also. God, we thank you for that privileged honor we have to represent you. We pray that your kingdom come, your will be done here in the earth, through us as it is in heaven. In Jesus name. So be it.

David [00:49:42]:
Amen. Pastor Conia is coming with a closing word and a prayer. God bless you. Have a great week.

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