10/13 5 Ways to Emerge


  1. Understanding Purpose: David emphasizes that everyone was created “on purpose, with purpose, for a purpose.” How do you interpret this statement in your own life experiences?
  2. The Meaning of ‘Emerge’: Discuss the different meanings of the word “emerge” as explained by David. How do these meanings apply to your personal spiritual journey?
  3. Transformation and the Mind: David mentions Romans 12:2 about being transformed by the renewing of your mind. What practical steps can you take to renew your mind daily?
  4. The Influence of External Factors: According to David, what we listen to, read, and the people we associate with shape our minds. How has this been true in your own life?
  5. Guarding the Heart and Mind: Paul advises not to be conformed to the world but to be transformed. What are some ways you can guard your heart and mind against worldly influences?
  6. Emerging as a Light: Reflect on Matthew 5:14-16, where Jesus calls us the light of the world. In what ways can you shine your light in your community?
  7. Defeating Negative Thoughts: David talks about resisting the enemy when negative thoughts arise. What strategies can you employ to combat thoughts of inadequacy or unworthiness?
  8. God’s Eternal Purpose: How does understanding that you are part of God’s eternal purpose influence your day-to-day actions and decisions?
  9. Maximizing Potential: Discuss Mark Batterson’s quote, “Potential is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to God.” How are you currently maximizing your potential?
  10. Collaborating with God: David speaks about collaborating with God to fulfill your purpose. What does this collaboration look like for you, and how can you improve it?

David [00:00:01]:
Who is Emerge international church? We are a people called by our father God to encourage, edify, equip, and empower those who desire to emerge and be all God has created them to be. Let me assure you of this. You were created on purpose, with purpose, for a purpose. You are not an accident. You are not a mistake.

David [00:00:56]:
God created you intentionally. You are meant for such a time as this. You are a created being that is here now for a divine purpose. Our purpose here at emerge international church is to help you fulfill your purpose. Know this. God wants to work with you, in you, and through you, to see his purpose for you fulfilled. Now we’re going to be drilling down into what this means in each area of focus, what it means for each of us to emerge and be all that God created us to be. Again, emerge international church is here to encourage, edify, equip, and empower you so you can emerge with confidence and be who God wants you to be.

David [00:02:03]:
Today, we’re going to explore what it means to emerge. And this is what God wants for all of us. This word emerge means come forth, rise up and out, proceed from, become known as to come into being. Let me ask this, knowing that who will we emerge as? We are always emerging as someone in this world, in this life. Who will we emerge as? The challenge we face and what we are dealing with is our mind. Our minds are much like clay. They can be shaped, they can be formed, and they can be fashioned. As Mister Zig Ziglar used to say, it’s what you listen to, what you read, who you are around, and what you’re telling yourself that shapes you, forms you, and fashions you.

David [00:03:18]:
What are you letting shape, form, and fashion your mind. Proverbs 23 seven addresses this. When it says, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. That word, heart, there in the Hebrew, it’s not talking about our physical heart. It’s not even talking about our spirit man. It’s talking about our soul. A better translation would have been, as a man thinketh in his soul. The soul is the seat of the thinking, the feeling and choosing.

David [00:03:58]:
It’s what it flows from. Our soul is our mind, and our mind is our soul. It’s where we think from. It’s what we feel from. It’s what we choose from. Knowing this, Paul wrote in romans twelve two and do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That you may prove what is a good and acceptable and perfect will of God. So let’s look at this first.

David [00:04:37]:
Do not be conformed to this world. That word conformed means to be shaped, formed and fashioned. After. Paul is saying, guard your heart, guard your mind. And don’t be conformed to this world. Don’t be shaped, formed and fashioned after this world. When we conform to something or to someone, we think, feel and choose like they would. So Paul is saying, don’t think, feel and choose like the world around us.

David [00:05:14]:
When we do, we become copies. The world around us. And not the originals God made us to be. God made you to be an original, not a copy. When transformation happens, as it goes on to say, a metaphor for takes place. So it goes on to say there. Romans twelve two. But be transformed.

David [00:05:43]:
How? By the renewing of your mind. Renew your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. When transformation happens, a metamorphosis takes place. And that word transformation, there in the Greek and in the Latin, it means metamorphosis. And metamorphosis means transformation. It’s the same definition. Much like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. Something new and different comes forth from something that was.

David [00:06:20]:
The butterfly emerges from the cocoon. And is able to do more and go higher than ever before. And that’s what God wants for you. He wants you to be more, to do more, to have more, to give more. He wants you to rise up higher than you’ve ever been before. And so transformation happens within us. Now. We look the same on the outside, but we’re totally different inside.

David [00:06:53]:
When we renew our minds, we emerge as a transformed being, proving what is the good, perfect and acceptable will of God for us. So what does it mean for us to emerge and be all that God created us to be? Well, the word emerge here means several things. The first thing it means is to come forth. The butterfly comes forth from the caterpillar. So to come forth is to move forward into view, to appear. And so when we emerge, when we’re transformed by the renewing of our mind, the word of God, we come forth. We come forward into view. We appear.

David [00:07:44]:
And so that new being, that new person, that new thinking, comes forth. Matthew 514 16 addresses, as it says this. Jesus said it like this, you are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden, nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand. And it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before man that they may see your good works and glorify your father in heaven. So we are to be a light to the world. We are to come forth, to appear, to be seen.

David [00:08:36]:
Our good works should glorify the father in heaven. Our good works. So people should see your good works and what you’re doing. They shouldn’t all be hidden. So we are the light of the world. It’s okay to shine your light. We’re not doing this from a place of arrogance. We’re doing this from a place of representing the kingdom of God and God’s love to the world.

David [00:09:09]:
So come forth. Appearances come into view. Move forward. The second thing the word emerged means. It means to rise up and out, to arise and resist the enemy. That’s the first thing we do when we’re transformed in our mind and we rise up and out. We’re resisting the enemy. He’s coming against us with thinking on, who do you think you are? And you can’t be this person.

David [00:09:43]:
And yeah, God loves you, but you’re not good enough, and you haven’t earned the right. Now we come against the enemy. We’ve already won the victory because we are more than conquerors. Because Christ won the victory for us. So let me tell you this. You’re standing in victory today. I don’t know what you’re facing. I don’t know what the situation is you’re in, but I know this.

David [00:10:07]:
You are standing in victory. We simply have to rise up with the word of God, speak it out and resist the enemy. That rise up and out also means to ascend, to come up. It means to defeat and change a government. The enemy is trying to keep his government in place. He wants his government in your mind. He wants his government to rule. Your mindset, your thinking, your feeling, your choosing.

David [00:10:45]:
But we come against that because we’re here representing the government of Jesus Christ, the kingdom of God. And we come to share the word of God so people can rise up and out and experience the love of God and come into relationship with him. When we say rise up and out, that word out there in that phrase means to come forth to or arise from physically. So when you arise physically, you stand up, you take your place, you take action. It also means to be born of. And so we’re coming forth when our mind is renewed and we’re transformed. We’re born of God. Are we born again? Yes, we’re born again when we’re saved.

David [00:11:38]:
But we continue to be born and become christlike by the renewing of our mind. We’re being born, born, born, born. We became new, new. It also means to come into the world before the public. Let them know. I’m not ashamed of the word of God, the gospel of Jesus Christ. I’m a believer. Have you met the Lord? Would you like me to introduce you to it? If you could know the God of the universe who created everything, would you be interested in that? Wouldn’t that be cool? I can introduce you to him.

David [00:12:20]:
I know him personally. Matthew 610 speaks to this. It says this, lord, your kingdom come, your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. That’s what we’re here doing. We’re bringing the kingdom of God to earth. That’s what God intended from the beginning with Adam and Eve. He wanted them to come and create the kingdom of God here on earth. In the enemy.

David [00:12:49]:
Satan stole that from them and has been setting up, trying to set up his own kingdom ever since then. But we come as representatives of Christ and declare every day your kingdom come today, Lord, your will be done here on earth today as it is in heaven. Second Corinthians 617 18 says, therefore, come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord, do not touch that which is unclean, and I will receive you. I will be a father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord almighty. God wants you to emerge as his son, sons as his daughters. You’re a part of the royal family. You get to come as a representative of the kingdom of God, reigning as kings here in the earth. Royalty here in the earth.

David [00:13:49]:
Hallelujah. And so we are his sons and daughters. So we’re going to come forth, we’re going to rise up and out of. And then the third definition of this word emerge is to proceed from. To proceed from. It means one who makes progress. God wants us to make progress. I taught on this a few weeks ago, but that word prospered by God.

David [00:14:23]:
The word prospered means to advance, to make progress, to succeed. Hallelujah. God wants us to make progress. It’s one who goes forward from a source of origin, a starting point. Our starting point is in Christ Jesus. That’s our source of origin. It’s from the Lord Jesus Christ and from our Father God. And we go forth.

David [00:14:53]:
Hallelujah. We proceed from our Father God and the Lord Jesus Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Acts seven three said this and said to him, get out of your country and far from your relatives and come to a land that I will show you. So the Lord is saying here that he said to Abraham, get out of your country and from your relatives and come to a land that I will show you. Proceed from where you are to where I will show you. And then Ephesians 311 twelve says this, according to the eternal purpose, guys, we’re living God’s eternal purpose. God’s eternal purpose is within us, and he desires for us to express it and live it out according to the eternal purpose which he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord, in whom we have boldness and access with confidence through faith in him. So we proceed from him.

David [00:15:57]:
We can come before him confidently and boldly and say, how do you want me to emerge today, Lord? How do you want me to proceed today into the world? How do you want me to come forth? How do you want me to rise up and out today? And he will show us the way, because he’s already won the victory and established his purpose in Christ Jesus our Lord. And as we come into relationship with Christ, he works his purpose in us, through us, for us and with us. Hallelujah. So proceed from him and succeeded. The fourth thing here is to become known. God wants you to be known. When we emerge, we become known. It means you’ve reached the ears.

David [00:16:56]:
People have heard about you. It means to arrive. It means to know someone. It means to understand and perceive them. It means to be famous and celebrated. God wants his children to be famous and celebrated, to be understood, to be perceived. He wants them to arrive and be known. He wants people to hear about the good things that he’s doing in them, through them, with them, and for them.

David [00:17:32]:
Hallelujah. Second Corinthians. Three, two and three says this, Paul writes and says, you, corinthians, you are our epistle, written in our hearts, known and read by all men. Clearly, you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink, but by the spirit, the living God, not on tablets of stone, but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart. You are a part of his story. You are a part of his story. And because you’re a part of his story, together with him, you are making history. You are a part of the history, the eternal purpose of Jesus Christ, our Lord and savior.

David [00:18:31]:
You’re a part of the history of the kingdom of God today. You are a part of that. You’re making history. Hallelujah. The next definition of this word emerged is to come into being. That means to come into existence, to exist as, to be or become more. We see this in Genesis 128. Genesis 817.

David [00:19:02]:
Genesis nine, one seven. The Lord said this to Adam and Eve. He said it over Noah and his sons and over all the animals that were on the ark. Stated this, be fruitful and multiply. Exist as one who is fruitful. Exist as one who multiplies. Exists as one who fills the earth. Exist as one who subdues and uses all the resources of the earth for the service of God and man.

David [00:19:38]:
It means to take dominion. Be one who takes dominion, who dominates here in this world. God wants you to be fruitful, to exist as one who is fruitful. John 15 five. This is from the new american standard Bible translation. It says, I am the vine, you are the branches. The one who remains in me, and I in him bears much fruit. For apart from me, you can do nothing.

David [00:20:24]:
God is like a vine keeper. He says, I am the vine, so he is the source. He is the source feeding the branches. We are the branches, and so he is the source. And he is supply. He’s supplying us all that we need so that we can bear much fruit. We can be productive, we can succeed. Hallelujah.

David [00:20:49]:
Make progress. Go forth. Hallelujah. Because with God, all things are possible. And without goddess, nothing’s possible. God is like a vine keeper. He lives and breathes and loves to coax the best out of his vine and branches. That’s you and me.

David [00:21:14]:
God wants to bring the best out of us. Hallelujah. So what does it mean to be fruitful? We looked at this before, but let me remind you, means to be productive, to produce. God wants you to be productive. He wants you to produce for him all the days of your life. You can be productive and produce for our father God and for the kingdom of God. You have within you what we call potential. I taught on this just a few weeks ago, talking about the omnipotent God, the God of all power, the God of all potential, the God of all possibility.

David [00:22:00]:
You have within you that power of potential that God put within you. And that word potential means to be or become more. You have within you the capacity to be more, to become more. Hallelujah. I don’t have to settle for where I am right now. I can get up tomorrow and be more. I can become more. God.

David [00:22:29]:
Working in me by the Holy Spirit can cause me to grow and become more. He does every day. Hallelujah. Mark Batterson in his book made this quote here, and I love this quote. Potential is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift to God. Hmm. Let me say that again, potential is God’s gift to you.

David [00:22:58]:
What you do with it is your gift to God. How many of you know? Do you love it when you see your sons and daughters, grandkids, great grandkids, maximize their potential and become more? Well, God feels that way about you too. He’s excited when he sees you come forth and be more. God has created you to be more and he wants to draw the best out of you. You know what? It’s time to emerge, church. It’s time to emerge. We are called, you are called to come forth and be a light to the world. You are called to rise up and out, walking in victory, in the victory Jesus Christ has won for you, representing the kingdom of God daily.

David [00:24:01]:
Hallelujah. You were called to proceed from and move forward into all God created for you to be, all he created you to be. You are called to become known as God’s child, a part of his story being read by all those you touch and influence. And you are called to come into being, maximizing all your potential for his glory, his honor, being fruitful and multiplying everywhere you go. Time with the Lord and in his word daily will transform you who he created you to be. Are you ready to let your light shine? Are you ready to come forth and emerge and be all that God created you to be? I want to challenge you to walk with me in this. Let’s come forth. Let’s see his kingdom come here in this earth as it is in heaven.

David [00:25:22]:
Let’s bow our heads in prayer. Father, we thank you. Hallelujah, lord. Glory to God. We thank you, Lord, for the power you’ve placed within us. The possibility, the capacity, the potential to be all that you’ve called us to be, so that we can emerge and come forth, rise up and out, so that we can stand and be known and be a light to the world. Father God, that we can be all you’ve called us to be, that we can grow and keep becoming more every day. We thank you for all the life and light and love you’ve placed within us, Father, we praise you for it today.

David [00:26:05]:
And so, Father, we declare in the name of Jesus that we’re going to emerge. And just like that butterfly, we’re going to rise up and out and soar to heights we haven’t been before. And we’ll do it by the power of your holy spirit so that we might bring glory to you, into your name and honor you. And we thank you for the privilege and opportunity we have to serve with you, to collaborate with you to partner with you in this world. Father, in Jesus name. So be it. Amen. Pastor Conia.

David [00:26:47]:
Let me get that right. Pastor Conia is coming with a closing word and thought and a prayer. God bless you. Have a blessed week. We’ll see you next week.

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