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Emerge International Church

4/14 Our Identity In Christ


  1. What is the significance of being bought by the sacrifice of Jesus according to David, and how does this influence a believer’s identity?
  2. How can believers practically display the virtues and perfections of God in their daily lives as suggested in the April 14 Message?
  3. What does it mean to be called from darkness to light in a spiritual sense, and how can this transformation affect a person’s lifestyle and decisions?
  4. How can believers discover and fulfill their specific purpose within God’s plans, as discussed by David in the message?
  5. In what ways can believers share God’s love and wonders with others, and what role does this play in their calling as Christians?
  6. How does understanding the Hebrew meaning of “identify” enhance a believer’s connection with God and others?
  7. What lessons can we learn from Peter’s interpretation of Exodus 19, verses five and six, as it relates to believers in Christ?
  8. Why is the notion of being chosen by God significant, and how can this knowledge affect a believer’s self-worth and actions?
  9. How does the Greek word for priest refine our understanding of our role as believers according to the message from Pastor Conia?
  10. What are some examples of sacrifices of praise and acts of kindness that we can offer to God, and why are these pleasing to Him?

David [00:00:02]:
Good morning, church. Today we’re starting in Exodus 19, verses five and six here in the King James version. And Moses is talking with the Lord, and the Lord is sharing with him about how he sees the children of Israel and what he desires for them. And he says this now, therefore, if you will obey my voice indeed and keep my covenant, then you shall be a peculiar people, a peculiar treasure. I’m sorry. Unto me above all people, for all the earth is mine, and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. These are the words which you shall speak unto the children of Israel. God communicated to Moses his desire for who he wanted his people to be.

David [00:01:10]:
This is the way he saw Israel, and he wanted Israel to understand that’s who they were to him, that’s how they were to identify with him and how they were to see themselves. You know, identity is a big thing. A lot of times we don’t talk about it much, but we all have one. We all have an identity. My identity includes my family, my friends, my colleagues. I’m the oldest of four boys. It includes my nationality and all I’ve done in my life, personally and professionally. My identity includes my faith, my beliefs, my purpose, my intention and my interests.

David [00:02:02]:
And I could go on and on from there, but we all have an identity. Well, Christ wants us to know. God wants us to know what our identity is. Him. And so let’s look at this word identify and see what it means here. In the Hebrew, it means, is to make, to be the same. We are one with him, to unite or combine in such a manner as to make one interest, one purpose or one intention, to treat as having the same use, to consider as the same, in effect, so we all have an identity. We’re all connected in some way with the people around us, the things around us, with our God.

David [00:02:59]:
The question for us today is, how does God want to identify with us? Who am I in Christ? God’s desire really hasn’t changed since the beginning, since he was talking there to Moses and talking about Israel. He gave us insight into who we are in Christ through the words of the apostle Peter. In one Peter two nine. King James version is what I’m reading from, but I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but let’s look at this again. What Peter gained was insight from this verse in Exodus, and he comes back and says to all the believers in Christ, but you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness and to his marvelous light. What Peter is saying here, what he defines here, is who we are in Christ and our purpose in Christ. The jewish church understood the meaning of Peter’s message because of what they had been taught from the book of Exodus. But Peter expanded on the verse in Exodus.

David [00:04:38]:
God had given him more insight into his heart and purpose for us. And so this is what Peter is sharing with them and wanting them to see as believers in Christ. This is who we are. This is our identity in Christ. This is not only true for the body of Christ as a whole, it is true for you individually. This is how God sees you. So let’s talk about who we are. Number one thing Peter says there is, we are a chosen generation.

David [00:05:22]:
Chosen. We’ve talked about being chosen before. We’re going to look at this briefly here again. But chosen means picked out by God. Wow. Think about this. You’ve been picked out by God. You are elect your select, your choice.

David [00:05:45]:
The best of its kind, excellence, and preeminent. Ha ha ha. When God looks at any of us, when he looks at you, he goes, wow, look at there. There’s my excellence on display by preeminence. On display. They’re the best of their kind. They’re select their choice. They’re elect.

David [00:06:11]:
God picked you out. And I’m sure you remember this verse in Ephesians, Ephesians one four says this, just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. Think about what that verse is saying. God knew of you. God knew about you. God was acquainted with you before the foundation of the world, and he picked you out for himself. You were chosen. You are a chosen one.

David [00:07:01]:
And it goes on to say that he sees you and esteems you as holy and without blame. You stand before him blameless. Today, if you are in Christ, you are blameless. He sanctified you and set you apart for himself. The word sanctified means to set apart for a purpose. God has set you apart for himself. He chose you before the foundation of the world, that you should be holy and without blame before him. And love.

David [00:07:48]:
You’re standing in his love today. It surrounds you. It fills you. You are chosen. The second thing here Peter says is not only are we chosen, but we are a chosen generation. And the word generation here in the Greek means that we are a chosen kindred. We are the chosen offspring. We are the chosen family, the tribute, the nation.

David [00:08:25]:
We are a tribe of believers. This is the generation that God has chosen. Everyone who comes into faith in Christ Jesus is a part of this generation. Acts 1728 in the new king James version says, for in him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, for we are also his offspring. We are his offspring, his children, his family. Hallelujah. We’re his generation, and we’re chosen. We’re a chosen kindred, a chosen offspring, a chosen family, a chosen nation, representing him in his kingdom in the passion translation there, acts 1728.

David [00:09:30]:
It’s translated this way. It is through him that we live and function and have our identity, just as our own poets have said. Our lineage comes from him. You are children of the most high God. You are a part of the family of God. You’re part of the generation who represents the kingdom of God. Paul also shares something about this generation when he’s writing in Ephesians that we were chosen to know what other generations didn’t know or experience. And in Ephesians three three six, and I’m reading from the passion translation just says it so well here.

David [00:10:24]:
For this wonderful mystery which I briefly described was given to me by divine revelation so that whenever you read it, you will be able to understand my revelation and insight. And to the secret mystery of the Messiah. There has never been a generation that has been given the detailed understanding of this glorious and divine mystery until now. He kept it as a secret until this generation. God is revealing it now, only now to his sacred apostles and prophets by the Holy spirit. Here’s the secret. The gospel of grace has made you non jewish believers into co heirs of his promise through your union with him, and you have now become members of his body, one with the anointed one. The secret is that we are all one in Christ.

David [00:11:45]:
Every nation, every tribe, every person, every generation who has come into Christ is one, and we are all co heirs together with him, his offspring, his children. You are chosen, and you’re a part of this chosen generation. That is a revelation of the love of God and the king of all kings, Jesus Christ, our savior and our redeemer. Wow. We get to go forth and represent him throughout the world. Your kingdom come, lord. Your will be done here in the earth. Hallelujah.

David [00:12:34]:
So be it. You know, when I was growing up, we moved a lot. And dad’s business, you know, we’d live a couple years here, three years here, and then we’d move because of his business. And sometimes within those three years living somewhere, we’d move two or three times, just changing houses and getting a better place or whatever. But I remember coming into a new neighborhood, and I loved to play baseball, softball, whatever. We were playing out in the neighborhood back in those days. We only had three channels on tv back then, so we’d watch the afternoon cartoons for about 30 minutes, and then we were outside, and so. But I always remember coming into a new neighborhood, and I learned this early is when we would pick teams.

David [00:13:23]:
When I was the new kid on the block, I was going to be picked last. And that was okay because after they saw me play two or three games, I was being picked first. And I knew that if I just kept my mouth shut and played the game that I’d be picked guys up. God has picked us out as his own. He didn’t wait. He did it before all time began. You are a chosen people, a chosen generation, and we all get to be together here as one, celebrating Jesus Christ and showing forth his greatness and his love to the Lord world. So we are a chosen generation.

David [00:14:16]:
The next thing Peter says is we are a royal priesthood. The word royal there in the Greek means that we are kingly, we are regal. Get up every morning, look in the mirror and go, I’m regal, I’m royal. I’m kingly. Romans 517 and the Cev version. Death ruled like a king because Adam had sinned. But that cannot compare with what Jesus Christ has done. God has treated us with undeserved grace, and he has accepted us because of Jesus, and so we will live and rule like kings.

David [00:15:09]:
When you come into Christ and accept him as your Lord and savior, you have the authority here in the earth to rule and reign as children of God. You have rights, you have privileges, you have authority, you have power. In the name of Jesus, you have favorite blessing and the love of God, and all of its fullness has come to you. So not only are you chosen, you’re royal, you’re kingly, you’re regal. We reign in life. Ephesians 312, in the passion translation says this, we have boldness through him and free access as kings before the father. Because of our complete confidence in Christ’s faithfulness, because we are confident in our relationship with Jesus Christ and receiving him as our Lord and savior, we can come boldly before our father God as a king, as a regal one, a royal one. And he will give us access, entrance into his presence every time he goes.

David [00:16:31]:
Come on, son. Come on, daughter. Come up here with me. Let’s talk. God loves you, and he wants you to represent his kingdom here in the earth. And so as kings and priests, we reign in life here in the earth, representing him. So we are a chosen generation, we are royal, but we are also a priesthood. In revelation one five, six, John writes this and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead and ruler over the kings of the earth, to him who loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and has made us kings and priests to his God and father, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever.

David [00:17:35]:
Amen. The word priest here in the greek, in revelation means one who is purified by the blood of Jesus Christ and brought into close intercourse, intimacy with God. They devote their life to him alone and to Christ. We are a devoted one, a priestly one, who gives ourselves to him. So the question is, are you devoted to him? You say, well, yes. Yes I am. Well then, this is talking about you. Are you giving him praise and thanksgiving? You say, yes, I am.

David [00:18:26]:
Well then this is talking about you. It reminds me of psalm 100 1824 that says, this is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. God, I’m going to find some way to rejoice in you, be glad in you, give you praise and glory and honor you. I bring to you the sacrifice of praise Lord. Hebrews 1315 and 16 says this. Therefore by him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. There you go.

David [00:19:07]:
That’s a great definition. The writer of Hebrews says it well, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. But do not forget to do good and to share for such sacrifices God is well pleased with. Let me read these verses again to you from the passion translation. I like the way they translate this. It says so we no longer offer up a steady stream of blood sacrifices, but through Jesus we will offer up to God a steady stream of praise. Praise, sacrifices. These are the lambs we offer from our lips that celebrate his name.

David [00:19:58]:
We will show mercy to the poor and not miss an opportunity to do acts of kindness for others. For these are the true sacrifices that light God’s heart. These are the true sacrifices. Daily we offer to him the sacrifice of thanksgiving and surrendering our lives to him and his purpose and sharing with others, not missing an opportunity to do acts of kindness for others. We love God and we love others as we love ourselves. We are priests, royal priests reigning here in London representing the kingdom, God and all it stands for. Who have you loved today? Who have you shared with today? Who have you given to today you are a royal, kingly priest reigning here in life. So we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood.

David [00:21:15]:
But not only that, we are a holy nation. Holy means sacred, pure, blameless, consecrated. There’s that word, blameless again. We are blameless before him. We are blameless before him. He loves us. He sees us as holy. So let me read this from Ephesians again.

David [00:21:47]:
Ephesians one four. Just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. You are holy. You are sacred. You are pure. You are blameless. You are consecrated, set apart for his will, his purpose, his plan. You are holy.

David [00:22:24]:
You are a citizen of his nation. The word nation there in the Greek means this. A multitude, a company, a troop, a tribe, a family. You are a holy nation. You are a part of a holy multitude, a holy company, a holy troop, a holy tribe, a holy family. Get up every morning, look in the mirror and tell yourself that I’m part of a holy family. I’m holy. I’m holy, and I’m a citizen.

David [00:23:11]:
I’m a citizen. I’m a part of this nation of God, this kingdom of God. Acts 1035 says this, but in every nation, whoever fears him, fears God and works righteousness is accepted by him as God promised. Abraham, I will make nations out of you. And as we become one with Christ, people from every nation become one and become a part of the nation of the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is our nation, our people, our family. I was born here in America. I am an american.

David [00:24:04]:
That’s my nation, but that’s not my only nation. My true place and purpose is a part of the nation, of the kingdom of, of God, and it is a holy nation. When we pray, Matthew 610, you’ve heard me say this a lot, but when we pray, Matthew 610. We are praying for our nation. Matthew 610 says this, your kingdom come, your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. A lot of times I pray that this way, Lord, I pray that your kingdom come today and your will be done here in the earth through me as it is in heaven. How can I be apart, lord? How can I partner with you today and seeing your kingdom come? We are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. And then Peter goes on to say this, we are a peculiar people.

David [00:25:28]:
I don’t laugh because here in America, that word peculiar has a different meaning sometimes on what it truly means. And sometimes we do feel like, do you ever see yourself or feel like you’re the weird one. Conia and I like to tell everybody, oh, we’ve embraced our weirdness. We’ve embraced our insanity, our craziness. So. But that’s not what this word means. This word comes from the old English, and it means this in the Greek. We are his purchased possession, one’s own property, those preserving unto salvation, a peculiar people.

David [00:26:21]:
You are purchased. You’re his possession, his own property. Ephesians 113 14 says this in him you also trusted after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, in whom also having believed, you were seated with the Holy Spirit. You were sealed. I’m sorry, let me say that again. You were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of his glory. God has sealed every one of you as his own with the Holy Spirit. He has sealed you.

David [00:27:18]:
He sealed you. He used his royal stamp, his kingly stamp, to seal you and say, that one belongs to me. They’re a part of the purchased possession, and they have an inheritance coming to them. And here is the down payment, the first part of it. My Holy Spirit, you are peculiar. You are a purchased possession, the property of the most high God, and he’s preserved you unto salvation by his blood, the blood of Jesus Christ. He purchased us. He redeemed us and paid the price for our redemption so we could live free from sin and have the gift of eternal life.

David [00:28:17]:
Ephesians 213 says this. But now in Christ Jesus, you who were far off once were far off, have been brought near by the blood of Christ. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ, whose blood has brought us back, brought us near to the Father. First Corinthians 619 20 says this. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own, for you were bought at a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, with your God. We’ve been purchased. We’re a peculiar people, a purchased possession.

David [00:29:13]:
God loved us so much, he was willing to pay the price. Jesus chose on his own to come and pay the price for our redemption. He looked beyond the cross, it says in Hebrews twelve. He looked beyond the cross to the joy that lay beyond. And that joy was relationship with all of us. You are God’s people, his purchased possession, his tribe. You are a part of the nation. All those who are the same stock and language.

David [00:29:49]:
That’s what that word people means here in the Greek. You are a peculiar people, a tribe, a nation. All those who say who are the same stock in language. First Peter 210 and the passion translation says, for at one time you were not God’s people, but now you are. At one time you knew nothing of God’s mercy because you hadn’t received it yet. But now you are drenched in it. We are. Every day we’re drenched in God’s mercy is great, his favor, his love, saturated with it, overflowing with it.

David [00:30:36]:
First Peter two nine in the passion translation says this, but you were God’s chosen treasure. You were God’s chosen treasure. Man, when you’re down, you’re not feeling great. Look in the mirror and tell yourself, I’m God’s chosen treasure. I don’t care how I feel or what people say. I’m God’s chosen treasure. You are priests who are kings, a spiritual nation set apart as God’s devoted ones. He called you out of darkness to experience his marvelous life, and now he claims you as his very own.

David [00:31:26]:
He did this so that you would broadcast his glorious wonders throughout the world. That’s what we’re called to folks, is to broadcast, share, tell his glorious wonders throughout the earth. That’s your purpose. His purpose for you is to go share this great love with others. And so our purpose in him, Peter goes on to say that it is to show forth the praises of Christ. First Peter two nine and the amplified says it this way, but you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, God’s own purchase, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and the perfections of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. We’re to set forth these wonderful deeds. And that means set forth means to demonstrate, to state, to describe something in writing or speech, to share your testimony, your story.

David [00:32:46]:
Ephesians 210 in the passion translation. Again, we have become his poetry. We have become his poetry, a recreated people that will fulfill the destiny he has given each of us. Where we are joined to Jesus, the anointed one. Even before we were born, God planned in advance our destiny and the good works we would do to fulfill it. And so there you go. We’re to show forth his praises, set forth his wonderful deeds on what we say, what we write, what we share. And then he goes on to say that we’re to display the virtues and perfections of him.

David [00:33:42]:
That means to make a prominent exhibition of it, to make a prominent exposition of something in a place where it can be easily seen, to put it on display, a performance, a show, an event intended for the public. Ephesians two seven in the passion translation. Throughout the coming ages we will be the visible display of the infinite riches of his grace and kindness which was showered upon us in Jesus Christ. God says, go out there and be me. Be visible. Show forth my good works through what you do and say. Share and write. Galatians 522 and 23 in the passion translation.

David [00:34:38]:
But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions. Joy that overflows, peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness, action, a life full of virtue, faith that prevails, gentleness of heart and strength of spirit. Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless. Those fruit of the spirit are powerful virtues that are meant to be limitless. God will just continue to flow them. You hallelujah your purpose. And then Peter ends this verse by saying, he has called you from darkness to light. And as we said in a previous message recently, darkness is simply ignorance of divine things.

David [00:35:46]:
It is wickedness. It is misery and hell. He called us out of the ignorance of divine things. He called us out of wickedness. He has called us out of the misery of hell. Why? So we could walk in the light, and he is the light. So we could come into relationship with him, so we could experience our identity in Christ, to understand what it means to be chosen, to be royal, to be holy, to be a peculiar, purchased possession. The word light, we’ve talked about this before, but it means this delicate, subtle, pure brilliance shining or showing forth.

David [00:36:45]:
It also means the truth, the knowledge, the spiritual purity that comes forth in our understanding, that which is exposed to the view of all, the power of understanding morally and spiritually the truth. We get to walk in that guys as believers, so we can show forth his delicate, subtle, pure, brilliant quality as we go through life every day. So we could walk in the revelation of his truth, knowledge and spiritual purity. By doing this, we expose his light to the view of all, sharing the power of understanding morally and spiritually expressing his truth and sharing his truth. Walking in the light is walking in the fullness of relationship with Jesus Christ. First Peter two nine in the passion translation. I want to go back here. But you were God’s chosen treasure.

David [00:37:55]:
You are a treasure. A chosen treasure. Priest, who are kings, royal priests, a spiritual nation, holy without blame, set apart as God’s devoted ones. We are priests devoted to serving him. He called you out of darkness to experience his marvelous light. And now he claims you as his very own. He did this so that you would broadcast his glorious wonders throughout the world. What are you about today, Lord? And how can I be a part of it? We should get up every morning and ask that, God, I want to fulfill my purpose in you, and I want to partner with you.

David [00:38:57]:
So, Lord, what are you about today, and how can I be a part of it? One of my mentors shared that with me years ago. I’ve never forgotten it. And then another great question. Who can I share your glorious wonders with today? There’s always someone out there that you can share his glorious wonders with, and you can do it in a way that’s just loving and kind. Connie and I do it a lot of times with a tip while we go out to eat. Sometimes we do it by just encouraging people. Sometimes I’ve done it going through a drive through, and I can tell the person there has had a rough day and I’ll just stop them and go, hey, God wanted me to let you know that he loves you and he sees you. He cares about you.

David [00:39:52]:
I’ve had him break down in tears when I shared that. Find some way to share God’s goodness today. But I also want to invite you to come into this family, to come a part of this nation, to become a part of the chosen ones. If you’re watching this and you’re going, man, that sounds good. I want to be a part of that. Then all you have to do is pray this simple prayer with me. Bow your head and pray this prayer with me. Father in heaven, I acknowledge that Jesus Christ came.

David [00:40:28]:
He died for my sins. He has sanctified me. He has set me free. And on the third day, he was resurrected. And he is my lord and savior. Jesus, I accept you today as my lord and savior, and I yield my life to you forever. Now, thank you for receiving me, for forgiving me and loving me. And I commit to serve you all the days of my life in Jesus name.

David [00:41:14]:
Friend, if you just prayed that prayer, Jesus just came into your heart. You are a chosen one. You are a royal priesthood. You are a holy nation. You are peculiar people, people to show forth his marvelous light, marvelous wonders to all those around you. We love you, church, and we’re glad to be here with you. As I said in the beginning, this is our one year celebration. So I pray that you celebrate with us all week by going out and finding somebody to love them.

David [00:41:56]:
Let’s bow our heads for a short prayer. Father, we thank you for this time together. And I pray, Father God, that this word from second Peter two or one Peter? Two nine. Father, just get down in our hearts. Make it real to us, Lord, in a new way. That we are chosen, that we are royal. That we are holy. That we are peculiar purchased people.

David [00:42:22]:
Thank you, Lord, for loving us so much and giving yourself for us Jesus name. Amen. Pastor Conia is coming now with an encouraging word and closing. God bless you. Have a great week.

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