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Emerge International Church

5/12 Understanding Honor: Deepening Our Appreciation for Mothers


  1. What does the word “honor” mean according to the speaker, and how can it be applied in various relationships?
  2. Discuss how the concept of honor is reflected across different events and holidays in the month of May.
  3. What are the ways mentioned in the video to honor mothers on Mother’s Day?
  4. How does the speaker relate the honoring of parents to the Biblical commandments and their corresponding promises?
  5. What is the significance of the Fifth Commandment in the episode, and why is it considered the “transition commandment”?
  6. In what ways does the video suggest that respecting and honoring parents can extend into maturity and even when one has their own family?
  7. Why is gratitude emphasized as a way to honor mothers, and what are some specific examples provided to show gratitude?
  8. Discuss the role of listening and giving attention as a form of honoring, based on the speaker’s insights.
  9. How does the video use scriptural references to support the importance of honoring others, particularly parents?
  10. What impact do you think honoring our mothers as suggested in the video can have on both the individual and broader community levels?

David [00:00:01]:
So the month of May has become a month to honor others. We begin in May, well, the second Sunday in May, by honoring our mothers on Mother’s Day. Then we honor those who are graduating from high school or college. And we end the month by honoring our military and those who’ve served our country and given their lives for our freedom.

David [00:00:55]:
The word honor means to regard or treat someone with admiration and respect. It means to give special recognition to someone. It means to know them, recognize them and to acknowledge them. The word regardless means to think of someone in a specified way, to give attention to someone for something they’ve done or accomplished, to offer them our best wishes. That’s one of the ways we honor them. We regard them. Another way we honor people is through admiration, which means to give respect and warm approval. Someone regarded as impressive or worthy of respect.

David [00:01:56]:
A feeling or wonder of pleasure about someone. The word respect there means a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, their. Their qualities, or their achievements. It’s due regard for the feelings, the wishes, the rights, or the tradition of others. That’s respect. The other word there in that definition was recognition. We recognize them or give them recognition. It is the act of rewarding or praising someone for something they have done, accomplished, or achieved is a display of appreciation for them.

David [00:02:53]:
The ten Commandments are a guide for relationships. And if you look at them, you see that the first four commandments talk about our relationship to God. The fifth commandment talks about our relationship to our parents. And then the next five commandments talk about our relationship to others, to one another. Commandments are directives or a way to live life. The transition commandment, which is the fifth commandment, is also known as the first commandment with a promise. And it’s about how we should honor our parents. It says this in Exodus 2012.

David [00:03:49]:
Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God has given you. Let me read that again in the amplified version. It says this, regard. Treat with honor, do obedience and courtesy your father and mother, that your days may be long in the land the Lord your God gives you. And so Moses was saying to the children of Israel, God had said to him, I’m bringing you into the promised land, and so that you may live long there. Honor your parents, your mother and your father. And then we see again in deuteronomy as the commandments are repeated again to the children of Israel, it gives us even a little more insight on the the promise or the reward of honoring others. It says this in Deuteronomy 516, honor your father and your mother as the Lord your God has commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may be well with you.

David [00:05:13]:
So that was added that your days may be long, and it may be well with you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you. This is echoed again in the New Testament. In the book of Ephesians, chapter six of Ephesians, Paul writes to us and declares, in Ephesians six one three children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth. There in Ephesians six one three in the amplified, it translates it this way. Children, obey. Excuse me, children, obey your parents and the Lord as his representatives, for this is just and right. Honor, esteem and value is precious.

David [00:06:23]:
Your father and your mother. This is the first commandment with a promise that all may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth. So we see here in all these verses, that to honor our parents is to walk in a place of blessing, a place of long life. So let’s review here what we said. The word honor means again. It means to regard, to think of someone in a specified way, to give attention to someone, for something, to offer best wishes to them. It means admiration, to give respect and warm approval of someone. It means someone regarded as impressive or worthy of respect, a feeling of wonder or pleasure for someone.

David [00:07:23]:
It means respect, a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, their qualities, or their achievements. It is due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others. Honor also means recognition, the act of rewarding or praising someone for something they have done, a display of appreciation. Today we’re celebrating our mothers and we’re honoring our mothers. This is Mother’s Day Sunday. And I know you guys are all going to take your moms out to dinner or out to lunch, and we’re going to celebrate together our mothers. So today I’d like to share with you five key ways to honor your mother as we celebrate Mother’s Day together. The first way is time.

David [00:08:29]:
Time as one three, I believe it was. Mister Ziggler said, time is spelled lo v e, or love is spelled time. And so that means we’re giving our attention to someone were being present with them. Proverbs 420 22 says this, my son, give attention to my words. Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes. Keep them in the midst of your heart, for they are life to those who find them and help to all their flesh. You know, my wife likes to tell our children, listen to what I’m telling you.

David [00:09:25]:
I’ve already learned this lesson and made these mistakes. Listen to what I’m telling you. Listen to my words. Give attention to them. There’s no reason for you to make the same mistakes. Listen. Give attention to your mother. Give attention to your mother.

David [00:09:46]:
Honor her with your attention by listening to her. I’m sure she has some great stories to share with you. Another way to honor our mother is to know her, recognize her, acknowledge her, appreciate her. And so I want to challenge you to do this. Think of a way or some ways to demonstrate. You know your mom. Think of some ways to recognize or give her recognition for what she’s accomplished, for how she’s blessed. You.

David [00:10:27]:
Think of some ways to acknowledge her and say, mom, thanks for this or for that. Think of some way to show appreciation for her. All these things mean so much to the person that you’re honoring. One thessalonians 512 and the amplified says this now also. We beseech you, brethren, get to know those who labor among you. There it is again. Know them. Get to know those who labor among you.

David [00:11:03]:
Recognize them for what they are. Acknowledge and appreciate and respect them. All your leaders who are over you and the Lord, those who warm and kindly reprove and exhort you, those who are leading you, are over you in the Lord. Again, I take you back to Ephesians there, where Paul said that we are to honor our parents and the Lord as his representatives. So here he echoes it again in first Thessalonians 512. The third way we can honor our mother is through recognition. I already mentioned this a moment ago, but it’s this act of rewarding or praising someone for something they have done, a display of appreciation. And that’s a part of what Paul is talking about here.

David [00:12:15]:
And thessalonians 512, to recognize or give recognition. Acknowledge and appreciate them. Recognize them for what they are, who they are, what they’ve accomplished, all their qualities, the qualities of who they are. Wow, that is so powerful. Powerful. When you do that for someone, the next way is we say, let’s respect them. Colossians 320 says this, children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord. Obey your parents in all things Paul said earlier in Ephesians six one, children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

David [00:13:19]:
Obedience is a way we honor our mother and our father, and we show respect. I know that my mom so appreciates the way my brothers and I honor her by simply doing what she asks of us. And even though we’re all grown, have our own families and grandkids now, we still find ways to honor and show respect to our mother. Always show respect. And again, respect is that feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, their qualities or achievements. It is due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others. My brothers and I laugh and tell mom that we’re amazed that she’s still sane. There are four of us.

David [00:14:28]:
I’m the oldest of four boys, and we’re all two years apart. So there was a point. She had a baby, a two year old, a four year old and a six year old. And we were all boy. We were all running through the house, wrestling and yelling and screaming and playing and doing all the things, jumping and rolling and tumbling. We were quite the group, but we were all there. And mom was always right there with us. Right there with us, helping us.

David [00:15:05]:
Which brings me to my next point, is gratitude. One Timothy two one says this. Therefore I exhort, first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men. And that phrase there, giving of thanks, could be translated, gratitude or being grateful. Gratitude is that quality of being thankful for all the good things in your life, for all the good things someone has done for you, the way someone has influenced you and impacted you. I encourage you to do this. One of my friends, brother Jackie Liston, he’s on our board of directors. And Jackie and I, last Thanksgiving, we did a message together here, and we talked about thankfulness and gratefulness.

David [00:16:08]:
And Jackie, I love what he says. He said it. He. He says, sit down and write a grateful list. What are ten things, 20 things, 30 things that you’re grateful for about your mother. How cool would that be, to sit down and write a grateful list and give that to her? I know she will treasure it and just express your gratefulness to her. What are the good things your mother has given you? Number one, she’s giving you life. That’s why you’re here.

David [00:16:48]:
There are some simple words expressed with gratitude that can make a huge difference, like saying to her, I will never forget how you have helped me. Or you might say, you have my deepest thanks. Or you might say words alone can never express how much you mean to me. However, I’m going to keep on trying to express it and find the words. And the last way I’ve got written down here is mom, I love you. I love you forever and always. Be grateful for your mom and let her know how grateful you are. Then the next way we can honor our mom is to esteem her first.

David [00:17:50]:
Thessalonians 513 in the amplified says and hold them in very high and most affectionate esteem and intelligent and sympathetic appreciation of their work. Be at peace among yourselves. Esteem means to set a high value on regard highly and prize accordingly. Recall to regard as honorable. Find ways to esteem your mother to let her know not just on Mother’s day, but throughout the year. We need to be doing these things. Esteem her as this verse says here in thessalonians 513 and very high in most of affectionate esteem. Express your affection and love for your mother in a way that honors her.

David [00:19:00]:
So why do we do this? Why do we honor someone? Paul wrote in romans 13 seven. This is from the amplified translation. Render to all men their dues pay taxes to whom taxes are due, revenue to whom revenue is due, respect to whom respect is due, and honor to whom honor is due. When we do that, it pleases the Lord and it also pleases those honor. Finding a way to honor those who have influenced you and impacted your life positively is very much a directive from the Lord our God. And honoring our mothers today is especially close to the Lord’s heart because he’s promised us. When we honor our mother or our father, we will live long on the earth and all will be well with us. Guys, I encourage you today, find a way to honor your mother and let her know how much you love her and appreciate her.

David [00:20:31]:
Father, we thank you for this time we’ve had together today. I thank you for these words that you’ve given us today. I thank you for the promise of long life and goodness and blessing that comes to us when we honor those who have given us life. And so we honor our mothers today. And I pray blessing over every mother out there, over every child out there. And I thank you, Lord, for honoring and blessing them today. As we spend time honoring and blessing our mothers today. We give you praise for them, Father, and thank you for our mothers.

David [00:21:24]:
Now, Father, I thank you for the opportunity we’ve had to come and worship together. And may we honor you as we honor others in Jesus name. So be. Amen. Pastor Kanye is coming with a closing word and prayer. Have a great weekend.

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