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Emerge International Church

7/21 You Are Blessed


  1. How does the concept of ‘blessing’ as described in the message differ from common societal understandings of prosperity?
  2. In what ways do you see God’s blessing manifest in your daily life, as David described with personal examples like the adaptive cruise control in his car?
  3. Reflecting on Ephesians 1:3-4, how do you interpret the idea of being blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ before the foundation of the world?
  4. How can believers actively assert and expect God’s blessings in their lives, especially in non-financial areas?
  5. David mentioned the role of human advancement in areas like technology and transportation as part of God’s blessing. How do you see this alignment between spiritual and technological progress?
  6. What steps can you take to exercise dominion and authority in your realm of responsibility, as encouraged by David in the message?
  7. How do you reconcile the need for human effort and progress with the belief in blessings being a gift from God, not something earned or deserved?
  8. In your view, how does the mandate given to Adam and Eve to be fruitful, multiply, and have dominion apply to contemporary believers?
  9. How does acknowledging and declaring oneself blessed every day, as David suggests, influence your outlook and actions?
  10. David’s message included a prayer for empowerment and success. How can prayer shape and enhance one’s expectation and reception of God’s blessings in day-to-day life?

David [00:00:01]:
Last Sunday, as Conia and I were driving back from a minister’s conference, I was asking God what he wanted me to share this week. And he said to me, let my people know they are blessed.

David [00:00:37]:
The blessing is theirs. They have been blessed. They are blessed, and they ever will be blessed. Wow, what a great word. We are blessed. Our father, God, is a God of blessing. He loves blessing his children. You don’t have to earn it.

David [00:00:58]:
You don’t have to deserve it. You simply have to receive it. Receive God’s blessing. Know and believe that he is a blesser, and he is blessing you. He has blessed you. Blessing is yours here and now. You don’t have to wait till you get to heaven to experience God’s blessing. However, the enemy wants to keep you from walking in the fullness of God’s blessing for you and rob you of all that God’s already provided for you here in the earth, here and now, right now.

David [00:01:42]:
And one reason we’re not experiencing the fullness of God’s blessing is we’re not expecting it. We’ve been told, oh, it’s not for here and now. Wait till you get to heaven and things like that. So we don’t expect God’s blessing. We are not actively looking for it, expecting it every day. We’re not getting up every morning and thanking God for his blessing for this day and expecting them to show up. Then one of the things I love to do every morning is quote psalm 118 24, which says, this is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in this day.

David [00:02:26]:
And then I go on to say this, Father, I thank you for this day that you’ve given me, and I thank you for all the blessing that you placed in it. I’m blessed coming in. I’m blessed going out. I’m blessed in the city. I’m blessed in the field. My storehouses are blessed because you’ve commanded the blessing on me. Everything I say, everything I do with, everyone I engage with today, I am blessed, and I am a blessing. Guys, that’s a great way to start your day.

David [00:02:58]:
I just want to start it out by declaring what the word of God says. And so many times what we find is we’re walking in God’s blessing, and we don’t even realize it. We don’t recognize it. But the father, God, as he spoke this to me, he said, I want my people to know I love them and my heart is for them. And so today we’re going to begin looking into God’s heart, his desire to bless us, his people. And so to do that, we’re going to go all the way back to the beginning for a little perspective. And so we’re going back to Genesis 127 28. I’ve been in Genesis one a lot lately, and so let’s read this together.

David [00:03:52]:
So God created man in his own image. In the image of God, he created him. Male and female, female, he created them. Then God blessed them. And God said to them, be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth. Now, we’re all familiar with this verse, but there’s some key things we want to look at here.

David [00:04:29]:
And so there in the beginning, in verse 28, it says, then God bless them. That word blessed there means to kneel down before and be blessed. What we see here as we study this, this is a very intentional act of the Lord. This wasn’t something he did in passing, just saying to Adam and Eve, you know, hey, guys, be blessed. Go out there and be fruitful and multiply and all the things. No, this was a very, very, very intentional act with purpose behind it. Adam and Eve came and bowed before the Lord, and he blessed them. The other definition of blessed here not only means to kneel before the Lord, it means prospered by God.

David [00:05:29]:
When God blessed Adam and eve, he prospered them. That word prosper there means this. It means to advance, to make progress, to succeed, to be profitable. When God blessed Adam and eve, he empowered them to advance. He empowered them to make progress, to succeed, to be profitable. This was for every area of their life, every dimension of their life. They were empowered to advance, to make progress, to succeed, to be profitable. This wasn’t just about finances.

David [00:06:17]:
In our culture, we hear that word prosper or somebody’s prospered, and we immediately begin thinking finances financially. But it’s much, much more than that. What we see here was for every dimension of their life. And so God wants this for you today. In every dimension of your life. God wants you to walk in his blessing, spiritually, mentally, physically, relationally, personally, professionally, and financially in all these areas. He wants you to advance, to make progress, to succeed, to be profitable. Wow.

David [00:07:06]:
Just that right there. That’s enough, right? Praise the Lord. You are blessed. You are empowered to advance, to make progress, to succeed, to be profitable. So why has God done this? The passion translation gives us a little insight. Here. It says, and God blessed them in his love. Now, all this I’m sharing with you today and over the next few weeks flows out of God’s love for all mankind.

David [00:07:51]:
God is love, and everything he does flows from his love for us. God loves you, and he wants you to know that you are blessed. You are empowered to go forth and be all he’s created you to be. And that’s what he said to Adam and Eve when God blessed them. He said, now, let me stop right there again, I said, this was a very intentional and purposeful act by the Lord. We know when God creates anything, he speaks it into existence. And God said, let there be light. And there was light.

David [00:08:38]:
And so when God and God blessed him, and he said, so God’s pronouncing a blessing over them, speaking this over them. And the first thing he said here, he said, and God blessed him and he said, be. Now, I want to stop right there. Also, that word be is a simple word, but it has very deep meaning. Be means this. It means to exist as to live, to have life. And so God blessed him and said, exist as God blessed them and said, live, have life. Being is the character, the quality, and the capacity within one to exist as who they were created.

David [00:09:36]:
To exist as to be all you were created to be is another way to say it. Your being flows from within you out of your core existence, also known as your spirit. And the result of your being is seen outside of you outwardly as we express our being. When God blessed them, he placed within them the capacity to be fruitful and multiply, to fill the earth, to subdue it and have dominion. When he was speaking that over them, it was coming alive within them, and they had the capacity then to express it outwardly. And so God blessed them. And he said, beverly, fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth, subdue it and have dominion.

David [00:10:43]:
So he expressed over them who they were to be, how they were to live, what they were to go forth and be in the world. The blessing was the power to go, and that is true for us today. Now we’re going to see that right here, the blessing was the power to go be this blessing that we see right here. Spoken over Adam and Eve. This wasn’t just for Adam and Eve. This blessing spoken by the father God, was for all mankind. It was a mandate for all humanity for us to go, be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, and have dominion here in the earth. It was for all mankind.

David [00:11:51]:
And that blessing that he spoke over Adam and Eve here, it’s still active and operative within mankind today. Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, have dominion. Whether you realize it or not, we’re walking in that capacity today. We’re doing it today. We’re going to see that here in a moment. We’re walking in that blessing. It’s an eight within us. I don’t know if you thought about this, but when God spoke over Adam and Eve, within them was a seed for every person that was to come, for all generations.

David [00:12:38]:
God was speaking blessing over all generations as he was speaking to Adam and eve. When God created us, he gave us the capacity to bear children. And that is one way we are fruitful and multiply and fill the earth by the children we bear. When we bear children, our seed for bearing children is multiplied within them. And we could go deep into this. Our DNA, the DNA of the father and the mother, impacts the DNA of the children that we bear, that are born and their seed carries that information, that DNA also as we go forth and have children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and all the generations beyond. This is true for all mankind. In this act, we are being fruitful and multiplying.

David [00:13:49]:
Now, let me say this again. This blessing from the Lord was and is a mandate for all humanity. It is active and operative within us today. And for every generation to come, we are blessed, empowered to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, and have dominion over it. Now I want to share with you another dimension of this blessing. Let’s look again at what it means to be prosperous to God. We defined this and said it meant to advance, to make progress, to succeed, to be profitable. There are four keys here.

David [00:14:35]:
When God blesses us, he is prospering us or empowering us to advance, make progress, succeed and be profitable. The amplified classic translation says it this way in Genesis 128. And God blessed them and said to them, be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it, using all of its vast resources in the service of God and man. Subduing the earth is using all of its vast resources in the service of God and Mandev. And this is how we advance. This is how we make progress. This is how we succeed. This is how we profit.

David [00:15:31]:
And we’ve done that for every generation, every century since God created the earth and Adam and Eve. I’ll give you an example here in our modern world. This morning I got up and went into the bathroom and hot water was coming out of my wall so I could take a shower. I didn’t have to go to the well and draw the water, and I didn’t have to build a fire and heat the water, or I didn’t have to put the water on a stove. I remember my dad’s mama, mama, she used to put the water on the stove and heat it. And this is back when I was a very small child. I was four or five years old, and she lived out in the country, and they were still heating water a lot of times. Now, I didn’t have to do any of that.

David [00:16:31]:
I simply rolled out of bed and headed to the shower, turned the knob, turned it on, and hot water came out of the wall. My wife and I laugh about this, Conia and I. But many mornings we stand in the shower and we thank God for the hot water that’s coming out of the wall. We thank God for the water department that brings it to us consistently without interruption. I many times thank God for the person or persons who he inspired to create the whole process of bringing water to our homes many decades ago. We have advanced in that respect because of what the Lord declared to Adam and Eve. We are still advancing today. We are still making progress.

David [00:17:27]:
We are still succeeding in every area of our lives. We are still profiting from God’s blessings daily. Hallelujah. Just look around, you guys. I could go make a long list here, but we see it in electricity, water, transportation, in so many different ways, in education, in business and industry. We have made so many advancements in progress as mankind. And it’s because God spoke this blessing over Adam and Eve and empowered them to go forth and be. And that blessing for all mankind is still active in working us today.

David [00:18:26]:
You are blessed to go be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it using all of its vast resources in the service of God and man and have dominion. God is in every good thing that we enjoy and experience today. God is in every good thing that is coming forth. We’re in a huge transition technically right now in the world. 50 years ago, early seventies, we started seeing it with communication with phones, and we started seeing it with computers coming into being, small computers and all that’s grown over time. We’re seeing another technical transformation go on today with AI and the tools that are coming that are going to help us know and understand and communicate even more. My grandson, I may have shared this at some point, but we were up visiting them last year, and he came running through the house and he was playing and he just yelled out, Siri, play this. And it was a child song that he wanted.

David [00:20:05]:
And so he came running through the house yelling that out, and Siri said, okay, here you go. And I stopped in my tracks and went, oh, my gosh. That’s his normal. He doesn’t have to go put a record on the record player. He doesn’t have to go put a cd in the cd player. He won’t know what cassettes are probably, unless we show him. His normal is just to talk to Siri. And Siri plays what he requests.

David [00:20:48]:
That’s advancement. That’s progress, guys. And we can use that to serve God also. So God is in everything. He is blessing us today. And through his blessing, working through us, it causes all this advancement to progress to come forward. Whether we realize it or not. It is God working through us because of the power he placed within us by declaring this blessing over Adam and Eve and all mankind.

David [00:21:23]:
So we see here that being fruitful. Excuse me. So we see here being fruitful and multiplying is not only childbearing, it is also providing goods and services in every arena of endeavor. It’s filling the earth with great things. One thing I’m grateful for is our ability to fill the earth with the good news of the gospel every week via our online streaming service and the Internet. And because of the advancements we’ve seen in the last decade or so, billions of people across the planet have access to preaching and teaching of the word every day, 24 hours a day, all year long. Wow. What an honor to serve God by sharing this good news with all the world.

David [00:22:33]:
Through the centuries, mankind has learned to optimize and maximize the vast resources of the earth for all of our benefit. As we move forward, we will continue to do so because God mandated by his words, that is who we are to be. Now, let me say this. We’ve talked about being fruitful. We talked about multiplying, filling the earth. Subduing is using all the vast resources of the earth for the service of God and man. And then he says, have dominion. Dominion is authority.

David [00:23:18]:
It’s power, it’s influence. Every king has dominion. They have a domain that they rule over. And that word dominion means a realm of responsibility. Every kingdom was a realm that the king ruled over. The Lord said to us as believers that we’re to live here in the earth and rule and reign as kings. And I turn the earth, and we all have a dominion. We all have a realm of responsibility that we have authority, power, and influence in.

David [00:24:01]:
It may be in our home, it may be in our church. It may be in the jobs we have. It may be in our community, depending on who you are and where you are and what you’re called to, God wants you to stand in that place of authority and use his power, allow his power to flow through you and his influence to accomplish his will and purpose here in the earth. Taking dominion is a part of partnering with the Lord so that his kingdom comes and his will is done here in the earth as it is in heaven. We can begin experiencing the blessing and benefit of heaven here on earth today. You are blessed. You are blessed to advance, to make progress, to succeed, to profit as you go forth. And you’re being fruitful, multiplying, filling the earth, subduing the earth, and using all of its vast resources for the service of God and man and having dominion in your realm of responsibility.

David [00:25:20]:
So let me ask you something. What are you working on today? What are you believing God for? What are you dreaming of? What are you desiring? Get up every day, actively expecting and looking for it, working toward it, making progress, believe it, see it, receive it, be it. You might be thinking, wow, David, this sounds really good, but is this really true for me? Well, let’s look at what Paul tells us in Ephesians, chapter one. Let’s go there. Ephesians, chapter one, verses three and four. Say this. Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing. Listen to that.

David [00:26:27]:
Who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. Wow. I encourage you to go back and read that verse and read that verse and think about it, meditate on it. We can invest a lot of time here drilling down into what this verse or these two verses mean. But today what I want to do is just point out two key things I want us to see here. One, he has blessed us with every spiritual blessing, not just some of them, but every spiritual blessing, all of them. Every one of them. It’s ours.

David [00:27:27]:
Now we know what blessed means. It means to be prospered by God. It means that we can advance in those spiritual blessings, that we can progress, make progress in them, grow in them, we can succeed in them, we can profit in them. Them, every spiritual blessing. In the silence, Paul says, and then he makes this point before the foundation of the world. The Lord chose you before the foundation of the world and declared you blessed. When he said, let us make man in our image and our likeness. He had already made a choice in his heart and said for all generations, everyone to come, I want them blessed.

David [00:28:21]:
I want them empowered to go forth and be fruitful and multiply to fill the earth, to subdue it and to have dominion. I want them empowered with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. See guys, whether you realize it or not, whether you recognize it or not, whether you feel like it or not, every day when you get up, you are blessed. Every day I challenge you to get up declaring these verses. They are for you. In fact, say this after me. Thank you Lord for blessing me. I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ.

David [00:29:18]:
You chose me before the foundation of the world and I stand before you today, holy and without blame, before you in love. I am blessed and I am a blessing. Hallelujah. And that is the truth that I encourage you to get up every day declaring that and start looking for it and start thanking God for all the ways the hot water out of your walls, your car. You know, one of the things I really appreciate about the car we have now, it’s got this thing called adaptive cruise. And so when we’re on a trip, traveling and I put my cruise control on, if I come up behind a car that’s not going the same speed I am, the sensor on my car senses that and a just my speed for me without me having to put on brakes to reset it, it adjusts my speed for me and keeps me at the right distance from the car in front of me. Haha. That makes wearing a long trip, that makes it so much easier.

David [00:30:38]:
So what a blessing that is. I thank God for that. We are so blessed in so many ways. Ways. What we shared today is the foundation of blessing. That’s where it all started, the beginning. Blessing comes in many different ways though, and it comes at different levels of blessing. So over the next few weeks, we will dive deeper into, into how God has blessed us and how we can walk in his blessings today, each and every day.

David [00:31:23]:
Your father, God wants you to know you are blessed. You are his children, his family, and you are blessed. Amen. Let’s bow our head in prayer. Father, we thank you for your blessing today. Hallelujah. We thank you for advancing us, helping us to make progress. We thank you Father God, for success.

David [00:31:52]:
We thank you that in every dimension of our life we experience being profitable. We thank you Lord, for empowering us to go forth and be fruitful, to multiply, to fill the earth with your goodness, your love, your life. Father, we thank you for giving us the power, God, to subdue the earth using all of its vast resources in the service of God and man. And we thank you for our dominion, Father, our realm of responsibility. You’ve given each and us, each of us. And we thank you that we stand in our place of authority, power and influence in that realm of responsibility, representing you and your kingdom, father, each and every day. Thank you for your blessing, Lord. And I thank you for giving us insight and revelation and wisdom around your blessing, Father, as we go forward forth.

David [00:32:57]:
God bless you in Jesus name. Amen. You have a blessed week. Sister Conia is coming with a closing word in prayer. God bless.

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